Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are WE there yet?

As of March 14, this blog will no longer be updated. Visit seth abramson's data bank of application response times. The comments will remain open for the exchange of information and encouragement.

In 2007, the 2007 MFA Acceptances blog (thanks Lindsey!) was a great resource for nervous MFA hopefuls. So I've decided to start a similar site for (no less nervous!) 2008 applicants. If you've heard news from any of these schools (or heard from a school not on this list), comment below to let us know and I'll update this master list. Please let us know WHAT you heard (accepted, rejected, waitlisted), WHEN you heard (the date-- be as exact as possible), and HOW you heard (phone, email, post), and to which genre you applied (Fiction, poetry, screenwriting, etc). If you'd prefer not to comment, feel free to email me. Congrats and good luck to everyone!

2008 MFA/MA Creative Writing Programs

Alabama- 2/17 accepted poetry via phone; 2/25 rejected fiction via snail mail
Alaska (Anchorage)-
Alaska (Fairbanks)-
American University- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone; 3/6 accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Arkansas -2/27 accepted poetry via phone
Arizona State- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone
Baltimore- 3/3 accepted fiction/nonfiction via email
Bennington College-
Boise State- 1/25 accepted poetry via phone
Boston U-
Bowling Green (OH)-
Brooklyn College- accepted fiction via phone
Cal Arts- 3/8 accepted (genre?) via phone
California College of the Arts- 2/29 accepted via phone (genre?)
Cal State (Fresno)-
Cal State (Long Beach)-
Central Florida - 2/15 accepted fiction via email
Chatham College- 1/24 acceptance creative nonfiction snailmail; 1/28/08 accepted - creative writing - via snail mail; 2/15 fiction acceptance via snail mail
City College of NY-
CUNY/Hunter- 2/22 CUNY Hunter rejected via snail mail (Fiction)
Cleveland State-
Colorado- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
Colorado State-
Columbia - 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/6 accepted nonfiction via phone; 3/8 accepted poetry via phone
Columbia College (Chicago)-
Cornell- 2/8 accepted poetry via phone; 2/8 accepted fiction via phone; 2/14 rejected fiction via snail mail
Depaul- 3/1 denial letter via snail mail
Eastern Michigan-
Eastern Washington- 2/10 accepted creative nonfiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
Emerson- 2/9 accepted poetry via mail
Farleigh Dickinson-
Florida- 2/24 accepted poetry via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email
Florida International-
Florida State- 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
George Mason- 1/26 accepted fiction via email
Georgia- 3/1, rejected, PhD fiction, snail mail, letter postmarked 2/27
Georgia State-2/23 accepted poetry via mail
Goddard College-
Goucher College-
Guelph University-
Hollins- 3/3/08 accepted poetry via email; 3/3 accepted nonfiction via email
Idaho- 3/1 accepted poetry via phone
Illinois (Chicago) -
Illinois (UIUC)- 2/20 accepted fiction via email
Indiana- 1/25 accepted fiction via phone; 3/1 waitlist fiction via phone
Iowa- 2/15 accepted nonfiction via email; 2/18 accepted fiction via phone
Iowa State-
Johns Hopkins- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Lesley- 2/15/08 accepted (low-res) writing for children by phone; 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted poetry via phone
Louisiana State-
Maryland- postmarked 2/28 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/1 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
McNeese State- 1/17 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email; rejected fiction via email
Memphis-2/8/08 accepted creative nonfiction via phone & email
Michigan- 2/19 accepted poetry via email; 2/19 accepted fiction via email
Miami (University of, FL)-
Mills College- 3/8 accepted fiction via snail mail
Minnesota- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Moorehead)- 2/18 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Mankato) - 3/1/08 Accepted for CNF via Snail Mail
Mississippi (Ole Miss)-
Missouri (Columbia)- 2/13 accepted poetry by phone; 2/13 accepted fiction by phone
Missouri (St. Louis)-
Montana- 3/7 accepted poetry via phone; 3/7 accepted creative non fiction via phone
Murray State-
Nevada (LV)-
New England College- accepted poetry via phone
New Hampshire- 3/5 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted nonfiction via phone
New Mexico State- 2/14 accepted poetry via phone
New School- 2/15 accepted fiction phone
New York University-
North Carolina State-
Northern Michigan-
North Texas-
Notre Dame- 2/20 accepted prose via phone
Ohio State- 1/25/08 accepted fiction via phone; 2/7/08 waitlisted poetry via email
Old Dominion-
Oregon State- 3/6 accepted fiction via email
Pacific Lutheran-
Pacific University- 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
Penn State- 2/8/08 accepted - Penn State Creative Nonfiction - via email
Pine Manor- 12/24/07 accepted- low res. mfa creative writing / writing for children and young adults - via snail mail
Pittsburgh- 2/26 accepted non fiction via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via snail mail
Portland State-
Purdue- 1/31/08 accepted - poetry - via email;2/14 fiction rejection via snail mail
2/7/08 accepted- fiction via phone; accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Queens University- 2/10 accepted - fiction - via phone
Rutgers- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
San Diego State-
San Francisco State-
San Jose State-
Sarah Lawrence-
School of the Art Institute School (Chicago)-
Seattle Pacific-
Seton Hill-
Sonoma State-
South Carolina-
South Florida- 2/12 accepted via email; 2/14 & 2/28 rejected via snail mail and email
Southern Illinois (Carbondale)- 2/27 accepted via snail mail
Southern Maine-
Southwest Texas State-
Spalding- 1/6/08 accepted - low res mfa writing for children and young adults -via telephone
St. Mary's-
Stanford (Stegner Fellowship)-
Stonecoast - 2/12 accepted via phone
Syracuse- 2/8/08 accepted - poetry - by phone; 3/4 accepted fiction by phone
Tennessee (Knoxville) -
Texas-Austin Michener Center- 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Texas (El Paso)- 3/4 accepted fiction and nonfiction via email
Texas State (San Marcos)-3/4 accepted poetry and fiction via email
Texas Tech- 2/16 rejected PhD Fiction by postal mail
UC-Davis- 3/2 accepted fiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
UC Irvine-
UC Riverside-
U of Hawaii-
UCSD (playwriting)-
UMass (Amherst)- 2/18 accepted for poetry via phone; 2/20 accepted fiction via phone
UMass (Boston)- 3/4 accepted poetry via emali; 3/5 accepted fiction via email
University of Memphis-
University of New Mexico-
University of New Orleans-
UNC Greensboro-
UNC Wilmington- 2/13 accepted for Poetry via email; 2/13 accepted for fiction via email
University of San Francisco-
USC- 2/25 rejection playwriting via snail mail; 2/21 accepted for poetry PHD; 3/3 accepted fiction via snail mail
University of Southern Miss.-
Utah- 2/8/08 poetry acceptance via phone
Vanderbilt- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Vermont College- 2/5/08 accepted Vermont College writing for children (lo-res) via phone; 2/18 accepted poetry via phone
Virginia Commonwealth University - 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Virginia Tech- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Warren Wilson College-
Washington (Seattle)-
Washington U (St. Louis)- 2/13 rejected - poetry - via snail mail; 2/15 accepted - fiction - via snail mail
Western Connecticut State-
Western Michigan- 2/21 accepted fiction via post; 2/25 rejected via snail mail
West Virginia- 2/13 accepted poetry
Wichita State- 2/20 accepted fiction via snail mail
Wilkes University
Wisconsin- Madison- FICTION- 2/25 rejection via website; 2/29 accepted via email; 3/1 waitlist via email
Wyoming- 2/27 accepted poetry via email
Yale (playwriting)-


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Desislava Parashkevova said...

Oh my god! I always thougt my Oregon application was incomplete, missing a recommendation and two transcripts, irretrievably lost in the mail! Now, I randomly decided to chekc my status and saw that my application is suddenly complete after an update on 02/21. What in the whole world? Now I am one of the Oregon poetry applicants who will be ferking out until next week!! Noooooooooo. By the way, guys, if you really want do a Creative Writing MA/MFA and are willing to go abroad, you can still apply to some universities in the UK I just sent off my applcations today: University of Warwick, University of East Anglia University of Glasgow. You can try it! Good luck Oregon-tigers!;)

Desislava Parashkevova said...

Sorry for the typos! I was excited..

Anonymous said...

Why aren't any of the people accepted from Michener reporting? Do they not know about any of the blogs? Seems impossible.

chelbeerocks said...

There was Michener acceptance one this morning on the Speakeasy.

Anonymous said...

desislava, i too once thought of applying to schools overseas but became set on a couple of schools here in the us. Now, though, i'm beginning to grow increasingly anxious. I loved living in Europe during study abroad and it would be great to find a school over there. Do you know any links or any other sites that list the credibility and rigor of some of the programs overseas? Do you know if any of them would actually be open to someone wanting to write in science fiction (i know...a bit of a long stretch for sure?

Desislava Parashkevova said...


Well, I really don't know about science fiction. You may try googling around... I saw the names of the UK universities on another MFA blog and looked the programs up directly from their websites. It seems there are a numbe of good programs in England. The University of East Anglia is the oldest one, with wonderful reputation, and an amazing resident and visiting faculty. Oxford offers both an MA and a PhD. The PhD might be the better choice because an MA is a year long and I thik all of us need more time to write and develop. I guess I didn't exactly answer your question but... the Internet might! So far, this is what I know. If I find something more, I will post it here! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Rejected from FSU for poetry by letter dated 2/28. I don't care how strong you are, this kind of rejection certainly shakes down the ego. There go my Julianna Baggott dreams was nice while it lasted.

2 down, 6 to go.

Anonymous said...

Rejection Yale MFA Playwriting 3/6, dated 3/3

Anonymous said...

desislava, you did help; thanks! Do you happen to have the link to that other MFA blog by chance?

Yeah, science fiction, any science fiction, is a tough one to find, especially when so much focus is on non-SF. I did find Columbia College and they have some classes. All I hope for in an mfa program is at least an acknowledgement of SF in their classes. SF can be quite literary, but doesn't seem to get the love from the mfa's as much as I'd hope. Thanks!

P.S. is anyone else applying to Columbia College as well?

Anonymous said...

RE: Michener Applicants

Don't count yourself out until you hear officially from the school that you, specifically, are not accepted.

I didn't get an email from one program when everyone else did who was accepted or on the wait list, and thus assumed I was rejected. I ended up emailing the admissions office later on, and I found out that I was on the wait list, and for some reason or another, the email simply didn't get to me.

Graduate admissions offices have hundreds of applications to keep track of, and they spend their days innundated with questions and calls and emails, trying to get everything right for everyone. They try to give the most accurate, up to date information they possibly can, but they aren't always the ultimate authority. Likewise, it would be easy to read these blogs as the final answer on admissions, but they aren't. They are at best a source of camaraderie and information, but don't let them crush your hope because they are, ultimately, incomplete sources of information.

sarhew said...

Well, this is it.

Today I received my third and final rejection notice. I saw my mailman cruising the neighborhood as I was walking home from work, so I figured it was coming... and in some twisted way, I was actually excited.

I applied to three of the "big" programs - Iowa, Michigan, and WashU. As a young writer with no publishing credentials to speak of, I knew that my chances of getting in were slim. But the thought of graduating from college with no plan - and no degree to focus on - was so utterly anxiety-inducing that I decided to give it a go.

When I got the first letter (from WashU, a few weeks ago), I was so panicked by the reality that my fantasy of immediate acclaim and acceptance by the MFA community was not going to be realized, I drank. I drank quite a lot, really. And it was fun - in that, I'm totally screwing up WOOOOOOOOHOOHOO(!!!!1!!!) sort of way.

Then, when acceptance calls for Michigan and Iowa went out and I never saw those area codes on my caller id, I got over it. After months of hoping, obsessing, and fantasizing, it suddenly didn't matter anymore.

So now I have three letters posted to my refrigerator under Jagermeister magnets ("Our house wine is Jager"), and I look at them lovingly whenever I go to scavenge some week-old lo mein. One of them has heartwarming redactions written in by a roommate ("We apologize that we are not able to offer you admission at this time... because we have nothing to offer someone with such talent.") They each have their program's unthinkably low acceptance rate scrawled across the bottom.

Application fees aside, I'm not sorry I applied. I feel like I've learned something about the process, should I ever decide to try again.

But for now, I'm embracing the opportunity to look at new jobs and shop for new and distant locales. And it's not near so horrifying as I once thought.

Just putting that out there, because I know we’re all hungry for words, hope and perspective these days.

Anonymous said...

Waitlisted by Notre Dame (Fiction), via e-mail today. Whatever.

César said...

Hi, everyone. I live in Austin, Texas and this is what I've heard so far:

University of Memphis - Accepted, CNF via snail mail (2/28)

Texas State - Accepted, Fiction, email, snail mail pending (3/4)

UT El Paso - Accepted, Fiction/Non-Fiction (Bilingual), email (3/4)

Iowa NWP - Rejected (3/6)

And I have yet to hear back from Notre Dame, Univ. of Arizona, UIUC, Oregon State, and UNT.

Pensive495 said...

When did you receive your email from Notre Dame? Did it seem like they were notifying people in bulk...? Odd question I know...just anxious.

Mrs. Clark said...

To the anon asking about UF waitlisters (way up there on the blog)--

I don't know if all the people on the waitlist have been notified... All I know is that, according to these blogs, a bunch of people were notified of acceptance last Friday, and then I got the waitlist e-mail the following Monday. Any other UF waitlisters out there who've got some info?

malcontent said...

I'm on the waitlist at UT Austin. I was notified by email this evening. It said there were 700+ applicants for twelve spots this year.

I don't know what to think. A week ago I was making my list of schools to apply to next year.

Anonymous said...

malcontent, what genre? and congrats!

elicitable kami said...

Has any word of the Stegners leaked yet? I presume they should have been contacted by now. Thus I wonder if it's merely because none of these writer blogs tracking acceptances have gotten updates from the new Fellows yet or if the results simply have not come out yet....

Anyone know? Thoughts?

malcontent said...

Sorry. I applied for fiction, with poetry as a secondary interest.

Anonymous said...

This is a longshot, but has anyone heard from WMU for playwriting yet?

maureen said...

accepted to cali @ davis for poetry after three days of intense telephone tag

Malarkey said...

If anyone has been accepted to U of Oregon and wants to ask questions, please feel free to e-mail me: (I'm a current student in fiction).

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else still waiting to hear from Michigan?

I haven't received a phone call, an email, or a letter, and there's still no update to my status on Wolverine. Did they forget about me?

Anonymous said...

columbia fiction?

Anonymous said...

anon (5:10): two people have reported hearing acceptances from columbia fiction this week. they still seem to be notifying, though.

Anonymous said...

accepted American University for CNF 3/6 via snail mail--- !

Anonymous said...

About University of Washington Poetry. I know several are extremely interested in this program. I know that last year they didn't send out letters until about the 20th of March - so it may be another couple of weeks (long ones I'm sure). They sure seem like an excellent program.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you've been rejected. I honestly feel for you--I've been there.

But ye gods, you're not even out of undergrad yet? Buck up, youngster, you have your whole (writing) life ahead of you. Move to India for a year. Take up bullriding in Wyoming. Work on an oil refinery. Get a shack on the beach and have ill-advised relationships with crazy people.

Get some living in you, make mistakes, and then reapply. It will all work out.

malcontent said...

To the anonymous asking about Michigan. I only got my rejection letter yesterday, ten days after it was dated. I think Michigan has been extremely slow about getting their letters in the mail. They must have had many, many applicants.

Alex said...

So should i assume thats since i didnt get a call from oregon yesterday that my dreams are dashed?

Anonymous said...

Hold on for one more day Poloman9. THey said they would call yesterday AND today. I've got my fingers crossed for both of us.

Alex said...


you have a much better attitude than i do. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

i thought someone mentioned UNH funding info on this site
maybe it was Seth's blog
so many comments to scan

anyways, have any UNH folks heard about funding?

Anonymous said...

are these oregon calls for fiction or non fiction?

Anonymous said...

i meant are they for fiction or poetry?

Annie said...

In at Montana for nonfiction! By phone, 10 minutes ago!!

Anonymous said...

re: UNH funding

When I called to check on the poetry status at UNH, they said that they're not finished, and consequently that the funding decisions are on hold until all genres have decided on their admits. So, at this point the poetry decisions should be done by Monday, with funding being decided shortly thereafter?

Of course, that's what they said last week... :)

realitywrites said...

congrats, annie!

Anonymous said...

thanks UNH anon
that was very helpful!

here's hoping.

KSY979 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeramey said...

Accepted at Columbia, Nonfiction, with a fellowship. By phone.


To everyone waiting: He said they are a little late notifying people because they have a new admissions board or something. Sooooo, no one waiting on them should give up hope yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting on NYU, Brown, Irvine, and UVA for fiction.

I thought we might be hearing about NYU this week since last year they started notifications on the 5th. Has anyone heard any news about them yet?

Anonymous said...

Waitlisted at Indiana Bloomington for fiction, by mail.

Annie said...

Has anyone who was accepted into Iowa for Nonfiction been notified yet as to their funding/TA status?

My email on Feb 15th said I would hear from them "over the next several weeks" as to whether they would be able to offer me an aid package.

I have a suspicion I won't be receiving anything. If anyone has any info, I would love to hear it!


Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie J. said...

Hey Ashe,

After I got shut out of 8 schools last year, I got a second job, worked about 50 hours a week for almost 5 months, then spent 5 months living in Berlin, as well as spending a month in Vietnam. It's not like I went skipping off to the airport right away, but it can be done! Plus, working that much was a great distraction from the rejection blues..... AND once I got to Berlin, I had enough saved up that I could concentrate on writing full-time, and reapply this year (with better success).

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie,

I too was accepted into Iowa for NF, and I haven't heard anything definitive on funding yet either (like you, I thought that by now we'd hear something) - BUT I've talked to several students, and my impression is that while the exact package varies from student to student, the program gives everybody SOMETHING - at least half support, sometimes more.

Are you leaning towards Iowa, or towards one of your other choices? Pending funding, I think I'll probably choose Iowa (though I'm looking forward to Visitors' Week to help confirm that, or not).

Unknown said...

Anyone hear from Nebraska? I haven't.

M. Kyle J. Moody said...

My poetry stats:

Cornell (MFA/PhD): Rejected snail mail
Emerson: Accepted snail mail 3/3
Iowa: Rejected snail mail 3/6
Johns Hopkins: Rejected snail mail 3/6

Sarah Lawrence
UMass Amherst
New School

Good luck everyone! Congrats to those with acceptances!

Annie said...

Hi, anon

I think I am slightly leaning towards Iowa at this point, but funding will be an issue for sure.

I too am looking forward to the visitors week to help make my final decision.

See you there!

Anonymous said...

University of Oregon--FICTION All 6 accepted applicants have been notified via phone (voice mail msg or actual contact). Top 2 wait list applicants contacted from a wait list of 8 applicants.

377 fiction applications for 6 spots.

The poetry faculty meets early next week and will contact accepted applicants then, by phone.

The questions about why you hear from poetry, say, and haven't heard from fiction: Different committees, different times finishing reading application and making selections.

Hope this helps some with the anxiety.

Anonymous said...

I've been rejected from both Syracuse and Western's fiction programs. I'm currently on Southern Illinois University at Carbondale's waiting list for the fiction program.

-Charlie Lemmink

Anonymous said...

So - I think I misread some posts awhile back, but I thought Brown had emailed all their accepted students. Now, on the blogs I keep checking, people are saying that Brown did not notify anyone and a bunch of people are still waiting to hear from them. Didn't a few people post about receiving emails a couple of weeks ago? Was I hallucinating?

Anonymous said...

About Brown- a number of people reported getting phone calls from the department for a type of informal interview a week or so ago.

Whether or not all the applicants who are of interest got this phone call, I'm not sure.

Pensive495 said...

Concerning Brown- When I called the program, the admin said they hadn't made decisions yet. She may have withheld info, or might have been unaware, but that's what I was told. I do know both this blog and Seth's have nothing listed under Brown, and they update regularly.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from a sojourn in the Everglades--Got into iowa, cornell, idaho, mass amherst, and john hopkins for poetry--i guess i'll be a great writer,then--well, maybe i'll never be a great writer but perhaps I could be the next Devid Lehman..

Anonymous said...

3/3/2008: Accepted to Columbia University--Fiction

waiting on Brown.

Didn't apply to UC Irvine, but I'm there as an undergrad--the profs say that they're making the final decisions (fiction side) this weekend. Good luck all!

Pensive495 said...

Jesus anon...were you rejected anywhere? Are you still waiting to hear back from anyone?

Anonymous said...

there are always a few anons who get in everywhere.

look for those proudly stegnered anon(s) in the coming weeks.

Anonymous said...

accepted at Tennessee (MA/fiction) on 3/7 via postal mail

carrie murphy said...

rejected from University of New Mexico for poetry by postal mail, 3/8, letter dated 2/29.

so far i'm in at one school, waitlisted at one school and rejected by one.

Anonymous said...

Got my Syracuse rejection for fiction by snail mail.

Anonymous said...

me too.

Anonymous said...


I drank a lot after I got rejected from Purdue and Iowa in fiction (I already reported on Purdue, Iowa was snailmail postmarked 3.3.08).

Tonight I'll be drinking because I'm waitlisted at UIUC (snailmail postmarked 3.4.08).

If you have been accepted at UIUC, do you think you could maybe not go there? Please? For me?

(But really, good luck everyone).

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard ANYTHING about Stegners? I'm post-MFA and really don't want to get a job.

Anonymous said...

Rejected at University of New Mexico, Fiction, via snailmail 3/8

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon,

RE: Stegners

The whole process is hushed. I wouldn't expect any acceptances to post.

I think that this year the poetry acceptances might be running later than last year, based on some research I did, speculative research at best. Like Boland's reading schedule for early March, etc.

Maybe they accepted everyone very early on, and we're just waiting around for that form letter to return to us in our SASE.

If you're friendly with the reference you listed, give them a call. Technically, Stanford asks that recommenders not inform candidates of requested letters, but, well, sometimes they do inform, right?

It'll only make the pain worse, though, to find out that you were that close but didn't get it.

Hit me back.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! Best of luck this week. I got a snail mail rejection today from University of New Mexico in poetry. Stats so far...
Rejected: University of New Mexico
Accepted: New Mexico State, Emerson, Maryland
Waiting: Purdue, Penn State, George Mason, New School, New Hampshire, Oregon, Bowling Green, American, Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

RE: RE: Stegners

Thanks for the info, pal. It's the most I've heard this season. I'm not a poetry app but still good news about Boland's schedule. I'll take it as good news, anyway.

I have known two people who have been given Stegs in the past and they have both heard back the first week of March.

So I won't hold my breath. Statements of Purpose scare me as much as ScanTrons.

Good luck to you, and if you land one let me know.

Anonymous said...


(I'm the earlier replier to your Q)

You know 2 Stegner recipients? Wow. You must be an Iowa grad then?

Just guessing. They have a high placement rate, but so do some other schools.

Yeah, all past numbers (TSE, etc) say that, if accepted, we'd have heard something by now, but you never know. They did move the deadline back for this year, which might indicate a difficulty in evaluating what can only be described as an abundant application harvest.

You're fiction then? I love fiction. It's often my favorite part of the journals I subscribe to.

A young woman from my program has written the most wild novel (excluding thirteen moons by Charles Frazier) that I've read in years. Just finished going through it for edits less than an hour ago. The kind of novel that ends with the reader crying and happy.

On my program there were only 11 of us and we all studied and worked together in all genres (including radio drama, drama, fiction poetry, etc). It was great, and we've all had remarkable advances in our work. It was great especially since we were the first intake for the program.

Her novel's started a bidding war between publishers (even before the edits to comply with proper English). So good. And, remarkably, English is her fourth damn language. Wild.

Can't give the title... well, I could, but shouldn't, I suppose. Here's it in an acronym TCWILY.

Good luck to you, anon fiction writer.

Do post here if you snag one. I'll do the same.

Sounds like silence on the fellowship front.

Even the MFA's have gone quiet for the weekend.

Pax et Bonum

Anonymous said...


Just wondering if anyone is waiting on PhD news and if they can list where, in what, and yes, no, or wait-listed.
Thanks! Good luck to all you MFAers and fellow PhDers.

Anonymous said...


I was rejected by Illinois-Chicago yesterday (3/8) via snail mail letter.

Good luck to you

Anonymous said...


I'm applying for a PhD in fiction. Here's my tally:

North Texas--accepted
Illinois at Chicago--rejected
Texas Texh--rejected

Where have you applied?

Melissa Tyndall said...

I am still waiting on Vanderbilt

DSJ said...

Still waiting to hear from NCSU and UNC Greensboro. Was informed by Greensboro on Jan. 25th that my writing sample was being reviewed by the admissions committee.

Accepted to UNC Wilmington on Feb. 26th.

Anonymous said...

Applied to:
(for PhD)

S. Miss.

I feel like an intruder here since so many of you are prospective MFAs. Is there a PhD forum?



Anonymous said...


Follow this link.

The forum name is MFA Programs.

You'll have to create an account. The thread in MFA Programs is creative writing phd.

Have you heard from any schools?

Screwsan said...

Hi Lena,
Are you asking about the Creative Writing PhD? That's what most of the PhD peeps here have applied to. It's different from an English PhD in that it includes fiction or poetry workshops in addition to an academic courseload.

I applied to USC, Utah and FSU. Accepted at the first two (by phone, 3/8 and 2/8 respectively), rejected from FSU (by mail, 3/8).

Dawn Buthorn said...

3/10/08 accepted Hamline (low res) for YA by mail & phone

Screwsan said...

p.s. I ask because I simply haven't heard of Creative Writing PhD programs at some of the schools on your list, but it's highly possible that I'm just an idiot. Even probable.

Anonymous said...


Yup, all CW PhDs (or creative dissertation option).

The AWP search engine lists these schools and others. I had to limit my applications because (like a dope) I never signed up for the GRE Subject test.

Thanks for the PW link; I've been "blurking" there. But I thought there might be a separate blogger PhD site? No matter--if y'all don't mind my presence here, I'll stay and continue to update.



Anonymous said...

no phd's allowed.
mfa's only.
just kidding, doc.

Anonymous said...

for those of you accepted to uncg, have any of you heard anything about funding?

Screwsan said...

Someone began this blog not too long ago:

but it's been sorta dead lately. We could revive it though. I'd love to hear about the KU program.

Anonymous said...

have people been hearing from UNCG? I have only read that people are still waiting. I applied in poetry and heard my file was being reviewed but haven't heard from them in a while.

Anonymous said...

Similar question re: UNH. I know a few folks called awhile back and were told whether they had been accepted or not. Has anyone been contacted by the program itself?

Anonymous said...

anonymous UNCG -

I applied in poetry and heard from them too (that my file was being reviewed) around February 20th, then received an official acceptance letter on March 6th. Hopefully you will too!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS to everyone!!!

Stats so far:

Michigan -- Rejection
Cornell -- Rejection
West Virginia -- Acceptance with GTA and tution waiver.
McNeese -- Acceptance with GTA and tuition waiver.
Western Michigan -- ???
Alabama -- ???
Arkansas -- ???
Alaska, Fairbanks -- ???
Oregon -- ??? (PLEASE!!)

I'm also wondering if I'm the only person who applied to Alaska...I haven't heard from anyone about them even though I've been stalking these blogs for a while now...does anyone know whenabouts they should start contacting people?

Anonymous said...

Everyone check their snailmail today. I got waitlisted at Wyoming and rejected from Utah. Poetry.

Anonymous said...


Rejected from Alabama...I had to email them to find out.

Anonymous said...


Who did you email at Alabama? I emailed last week to find out my status and received no response to date.

Anonymous said...

Accepted UNH via email!! Fiction.

Terita said...

I got an email from Notre Dame about an hour ago- I'm in for poetry!

Anonymous said...


I emailed Joel Brouwer at

joel.brouwer (at)

and he got back to me really quickly. I was just happy to finally hear something from them.
Good Luck! :-)

Anonymous said...

I hope that anyone who has heard fr/ the Stegner will be compassionate enough to the rest of us to post of their acceptance. That said, just a thought, it may be later this year b/c it seems that Prof. L'Heureux retired and so perhaps they have one less prof reading over the applications, coupled w/ a record number of apps? Hopeful/wishful thinking on my part and, I imagine, the other 1,500 waiting to hear. Please, anyone whose heard anything, please post!

Anonymous said...

Ooooooregon.....oh, Oreeeegoooonnn....

Anyone else ready to break down the doors to find out? I am going crazy here, and someone said that poets should hear something this week....


Sorry for my craziness...maybe internet connection at my job wasn't such a good idea. :-)

Anonymous said...

congrats on UNH! did you apply for scholarships and a TA position? I'm anxiously waiting on funding, and growing pessimistic. Did the email mention anything?

Anonymous said...

rejected from NYU for poetry...snail mail dated march 5.


my stats so far:


still waiting on:
new school
warren wilson
george mason

*not feeling super hopeful....

Anonymous said...

Accepted to UVA for poetry via email, 1 pm central time 3/10/08. I can't believe it!

Anonymous said...

I've heard absolutely nothing from any of the six schools I applied to. But----I just got an email from American University asking me to come to the College of Arts and Sciences "prospective grad student day" or something. Should I read into this at all? (I'm trying not to).

Also, just the other day I received a letter from Bowling Green asking for 2 copies of a transcript from a community college where I took 1 summer course. Frustrating. --But (I'm trying to convince myself) if they knew they were going to reject me right off, would they really still bother to ask me for that transcript?

Anonymous said...

Tori, thanks for the email info.

Pensive495 said...

Indiana letter of rejection for Fiction, dated March 6th. I live about 2 hours from the school, so here they come folks.

carrie murphy said...

rejected from Vanderbilt in poetry, 3/10, by email.

accepted to U of New Orleans, 3/10, by email.

so far that's 2 acceptances, 2 rejections and 1 waitlist.

Anonymous said...

anon. who got e-mail from American. I'd call because I got the same e-mail but I also received an acceptance packet in the mail from them....I don't think they'd send the e-mail if you weren't accepted.

Also you must be my karmic soul twin or something because I had the EXACT SAME situation with the one community college transcript for a summer course problem with UNCG. When they said my transcript was missing i just assumed it was my undergrad transcript...that stupid spanish course (which I took only for credit) didn't even cross my mind until they called. How they're going to ask for my high school transcripts for proof of my AP credit.

Hope everything works out should post when you find out about American.

Conor said...

Accepted for Poetry at Idaho via phone. 3/6

Anonymous said...

Accepted to Columbia for poetry with a fellowship this afternoon. Probably the best phone call of my entire life.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else been contacted by Minnesota or Florida?

Did they do all their acceptances by e-mail?

Also: Is it wrong to be more sad about "The Wire" ending, than getting rejected from everywhere? Ha.

blarring said...

Accepted by phone to The New School with scholarship, George Mason by mail, and Emerson College. All in fiction. Going batshit!!!!

quarterlifecurmudgeon said...

3/7- accepted to MA at Tennessee (Knoxville) with GTA and Fellowship

Anonymous said...

To Anon. asking about Minnesota:

Yes, I believe all acceptances have gone out via phone/email. The program's homepage now mentions that all accepted students should consider attending "recruitment week": I've heard that waitlists have gone out as well, though I don't know for sure if ALL have.

Ian Prichard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Looks like the stegner folks were notified last week: -- according to this blog post John Evans was notified on March 5 (which would correspond with last years dates that I found on the web as well.)

Jess said...

B. Lynn,

I am so happy for you! I've been enjoying your posts for months. Good luck making your decision!!!

Anonymous said...


what genre and did you find that all out in one day?

I'm still waiting on the new school and george mason.

also, congratulations...I'd be going batshit too :)

Anonymous said...

Any word on Michener Fiction acceptances/rejections, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Regarding Minnesota, status updates are now listed on their page--an attached letter, telling you if you have been accepted or not (or wait listed).

malcontent said...

Michener accepted four fiction writers this year, and I think there are five or six on the wait list.

Anonymous said...

6:07AM anonymous re: Minnesota - would you mind telling me where you found the letter? I've logged on to the application site but can't seem to find any info beyond "your application has been successfully submitted." Of course, at this point I'm all but certain I'm out there. Still, I'd like the closure.


Anonymous said...

Rejected Yale playwriting. Letter dated 3/3. I was away and just saw this yesterday. Today, I am thinking they suck and did not even read my script! How could they? The deadline was 1 Feb. Phone interview with NYU Dramatic Writing Program 3/9. Anyone know that much about NYU? Yale was my dream.

Anonymous said...

re: MN
You should have an email from them in the email inbox you gave them on your application. The letter was a link where my status usually was...

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Minnesota anon. I was looking in the right place, I guess - just no online update for me yet.

Anonymous said...

re: MN. I was wait listed, so that might be it??

blarring said...

Thanks Jess!
To Anon, I was accepted in fiction, and yes, I found out all in one day. It was insane! Talk about screwing with my head. This time last week I had all but given up and trying to aquire a taste for government cheese;)


Anonymous said...

re: MN - yup, I bet that's it. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Malcontent, for the info. I can now plan the rest of my life.

Desislava Parashkevova said...

Accepted by Idaho! Just now by email. It was just a formal GradAdmission email. No word from R. Wrigley. No word about a TA. But boy am I happy!

MC said...

Congrats Desislava!! Your patience (and of course your good work) paid off.


roderick mcclain said...

desislava- did you apply at idaho for poetry or fiction?

Pensive495 said...

**Notre Dame Fiction applicants** I called the program and asked when they would be finished with decisions. Instead of telling me, she looked up my application and told me that I'd been "disapproved." I know, it sounds more like I'm being punished for staying out past my bedtime. Anyway, she was really nice. She said that I would be receiving a letter once the graduate school was "caught up." If it's driving you crazy, I would go ahead and call.

writesreadsknits said...

Hey people admitted to Iowa in either fiction or poetry, don't forget we have the blog where you can ask questions of the current first year students. The site

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if it's officially time to give up on Oregon? Seems like they were calling for poetry last night.

Lauren Cummings said...

Still waiting for news here...

Anyone know why Princeton only has a Creative Writing undergraduate progam? You would think with their staff they'd want a grad program. I met Joyce Carol Oates recently, she was really nice and gave a great speech. I wish I applied at more then 5 places, but its not like Ive had bad news just no news really (except UMass)

Anonymous said...

Re: MN
I went to check my status and its said that : “Application Sent to Graduate School Review Committee”.... I guess it means that my letter of rejection is under way... Oh, well, it was my top choice!

Anonymous said...

hey guys,
sorry to be slow... really slow, because i know people have already asked for clarification... i haven't gotten that email from minnesota, and the only status check i can find is on the actual site where i filled out the generic electronic application, embark or whatever it's called. is that where you guys are looking?

Anonymous said...

Click on “Check the status of your application”
If you forgot your pin they will send it to your e-mail automatically.

Anonymous said...

has anyone at uncg heard about funding?

Desislava Parashkevova said...

M. Douglas,

Thanks for the congrats!:)


I applied for poetry.

Have a patient rest of the day!


Anonymous said...

Man, I'm sad about Oregon...I'm guessing that everyone's been called if they're already calling the waitlisted people...

Anyway, just to let you guys know...
I emailed Western Michigan and was told that I'm on the waitlist, and that letters are going out really soon.

Why can't the mail run 6 times a day??? Once just isn't enough for my mile-wide masochistic streak. :-)

Anonymous said...

I called Minnesota and was told that this morning they had finished updating our application status online.

Anonymous said...

Anon, In regards to Minnesota, what does that mean? I just logged on to the online application, and it still just says that they've received my application. Can you elaborate? Thanks!

spillingink said...

Accepted to CalArts for fiction, today! (letter dated March 4th) I was starting to give up hope. yay!

Rejected to Iowa and Amherst.

Anyone else going to CalArts? Anyone know anything about it?

I am so freaking excited.

mzmeg said...

accepted at UNH for nonfiction!!!
email this morning.
no word on TAship.

all smiles, baby!

* caterwauler * said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

3/6/08 accepted - Vermont College Fiction MFA - via phone

s.t.liaw said...

Accepted - University of Oregon - Poetry - by Phone.

Anonymous said...

Anyone out there who has heard either yes or no for fiction at Montana or Johns Hopkins?

Anonymous said...


were you called just now?

s.t.liaw said...

To a, March 11, 2008 2:11

Yeah. sorry. I just realized I didn't mention date/time. I received the call today (3/11). Posted right after I hung up.

Pensive495 said...

*Sarah Lawrence Applicants* I called the program and was told that notifications should go out on the 14th or the 15th. I don't remember if I told her I'd applied for fiction.

Anonymous said...

Hi, as for the Stegner, it seems the previous poster is right about a poetry candidate being contacted last week. Anyone know if the fiction people have been contacted? Are they separate or would all 10 (both poetry and fiction) be contacted on the same day? Thanks for any clarification on this.

Anonymous said...

I got a weird email from American inviting me to an open house, so I called to find out the status of my application...and I've been admitted in poetry! Excited! No word on funding...anyone know anything?

Anonymous said...

I finally got an acceptance. It's from Wichita State. I haven't been able to find any opinions about the program.

Has anyone heard anything about it?

Anonymous said...

I just found out (after I emailed the program asking about my app. status) that I'm currently on the "unranked waitlist" at Alabama. The woman who emailed me said they accepted more people than they have spots for, so she's not sure how far down the actual waitlist they'll go. But she said it was an accomplishment even to be on the waitlist, so I'm simultaneously bummed and hopeful.

Anonymous said...

Two points--
Does anyone else find it incredibly obnoxious to be continually reminded of the blog for Iowa's accepted students? I wasn't expecting to get in there, nor am I sure I would go there even if I had been accepted, but it's still like a little needle jabbing me every time. Pisses me off.

Also--I got a letter from Julie Schumacher saying I was wait listed at MN, but my online letter thingy says I was rejected. Anyone else have that experience?

Anonymous said...

re: Minnesota

I received an email from the system, notifying me that my application status had been updated (Friday) and to visit we website and see. And there on the website was a lovely rejection letter!

However, that same day I received a letter in the mail, telling me I had been placed on the wait list. So, just because you've been rejected by the grad school, doesn't mean you are out of the running. i guess.

In any case, I suspect the system is updated, you will receive an email you directing to check your status online.

Anonymous said...

i mean "when the system is updated.."

it's been a long day.

and to anon above, you are on the wait list. you can even contact julie and she will tell you where you are on the wait list.

Anonymous said...

anon who got accepted at American. I also got accepted there for poetry!

They sent me a letter which said they'd notify people about funding sometime next week.

fingers crossed!

brig said...


i don't know much about the program at wichita state but can tell you most anything you'd want to know about wichita, if yr interested..

AdamRBurnett said...


I got a rejection letter from Yale as well early last week. Haven't heard from NYU - I assume since they haven't gotten ahold of me I might be out of the running. What kind of feeling did you get from them?

Still waiting to hear from Brown and Juilliard but my hopes are not very high.

Anonymous said...

Also on wait list for MN. Anyone know the likelihood of getting off said wait list? :)

Anonymous said...

Re Minnesota
Those, who are on the waitlist for MN, what your online status says? I am just trying to figure out whether my “graduate school review” means flat out rejection... Hope doesn’t want to die!

Anonymous said...

My friend applied to Brown in fiction, she had an interview with them couple weeks ago (by phone). She is afraid to elaborate because no formal offer has been made yet. But my guess is - everyone who had a shot at admission has been contacted already.. I don’t know... I hope I am wrong...

Anonymous said...

I got the MN wait list letter last Thursday, but I live 4 hours from Minneapolis so I guess it's conceivable some are still in the mail. I haven't called yet, but apparently they will tell you where you are on the list--I imagine they'll tell you how many there are, too.

Anonymous said...

Re: "3/6/08 accepted - Vermont College Fiction MFA - via phone"... my app wasn't reviewed until 2/13/08 bc of a late rec letter. So others accepted into the fiction program may have gotten their acceptances a couple weeks earlier than me.

Anonymous said...

Got into my program of choice and really want to call up and accept, but I feel like I should wait to hear back from a couple schools before I make the final phone call to the program -- the rock-ribbed Protestant streak in my bloodline keeps nagging that I shelled out the cold hard cash (er, swiped the credit card) for the application fees and ought to at least see what they have to say. Has anybody heard anything back from Johns Hopkins or Univ. of Virginia for fiction? Just curious. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

re: minnesota-
i just don't get it. i haven't received an email, letter, singing telegram or carrier pigeon from minnesota, and my online status says exactly the same thing it's said for the past two months. should i be worried? anyone else in the dark?

Anonymous said...

carrier pigeon sounds awesome... would like that one from MN.. my status in graduate school review.. Just changed today from “your application was sent to the program”... must mean I am out... hell!

Anonymous said...

why these stupid cryptic statuses? (uh, stati? looks like someone's not ready for writer school.) pending means accepted, in review means rejected... what's the point of a status if it doesn't say anything? jeez, these people really enjoy torturing us in any way they can.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the response about Wichita. I just have a couple of questions.

Do you have any suggestions for great apartment complexes that aren't too expensive?

What about places to eat?


Anonymous said...

To any Oregon Acceptees:

I was wondering what kind of stipend you guys were offered...I don't mean to be rude, just trying to convince myself that I wouldn't have gone even if I got a call.

P.S. Got an unofficial acceptance from Alaska, Fairbanks (email, Poetry) word on funding until next week.

Unknown said...

To the people who have asked about Johns Hopkins, I received a rejection letter over the weekend (fiction). They said they could only take 5-6 students. So maybe you're still in it! Good luck!

Anonymous said...


Don't give up hope, dude. NYU "interviewer" sounded positive. It was brief! Not much gleaned. But, they did say "it would be determined quickly" and their deadline to report back on interviews was today. Who knows? Brown and Juillard are both awesome schools; glad to see you are aiming high. Where are the other playwrights on this forum? Represent, y'all. WORD.

RichardKae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm a playwright. I'm just totally petrified by this whole process so I'm not very vocal. Rejected at Yale, waiting on Brown, NYU and Juilliard. I'll have hope until I get all the rejections. Gotta go big or it's not worth it. I'm gunna go write something.

Julia Clare Tillinghast Akalin said...

March 12th: Boston University, Accepted via Email

DARN IT!! I was hoping I would only get into one program so I wouldn't have to decide. :)

Anyone have any experiences with the illustrious BU program? A lot of good points but it sounds so busy...

My prayers (if you accept) and thoughts with those still waiting...

Pensive495 said...

luvrbuoy: I'm a playwright, I just happened to apply for fiction. Drama represent.

Pensive495 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

playwright here, as well.
waiting on brooklyn, brown and nyu.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know whether Columbia is still accepting people? It seems their calls have been spread out over several days...

Anonymous said...

2/21 Hunter - Accepted by phone (poetry)

3/10 New School - Accepted by letter (poetry)

3/11 Columbia Univ - Accepted by phone (poetry)

s.t.liaw said...

To: Tori
Re: Oregon Funding

I'm assuming you mean UO (not O state). I heard from the director that all 6 students were offered full funding (and teaching positions).

Julia Clare Tillinghast Akalin said...

That would be POETRY for me, by the way.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have been accepted, what are your decision deadlines? I'm wondering how long it will be before waitlist people hear.

Anonymous said...

Just a question for anyone :

Are teaching assistantships considered need-based financial aid?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know how many people did extensive research before they applied to schools. It seems like a lot of people aren't aware of the standard funding at the schools to which they applied...

Anonymous said...


It is my understanding that teaching assistantships are not need-based. In some programs, they are merit-based. And in some programs, every student is awarded a TAship.

Some programs may factor in need when making a decision, but I'm not aware of any.

Anonymous said...

anonymous is very concerned about you.

Anonymous said...


I could be wrong on this, but I believe because the school is paying TAs to teach, the relationship becomes that of employer/employee. So if they consider financial need as reason to hire one candidate over the other, they are violating their status as an equal opportunity employer.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, re: deadlines

the CW department at umass wants a decision by april 1, though technically i have until april 15 (says the graduate school).

Anonymous said...

LOL@N. Hall... No, I'm just wondering what kind of research people did ahead of time. Maybe I'm just neurotic, but I researched for a good year before I applied. It's not a criticism, it just struck me as odd that people didn't know about funding at some of their schools beforehand.

Anonymous said...

what i find odd is when people are disappointed about the schools they got into. maybe it's just me, but why apply to a school you don't even want to go to? seems like a waste of time and money.

anne said...

in for poetry at UNH! just called the grad office.

Anonymous said...

Oy, I guess the idea was to have a number of applications out for "security". And I neglected to do enough research and so missed out on schools people seem very excited about like UNH, UV and Oregon. I think most people hope for the best for themselves, and so I didn't really think about the possibility of not getting into my "top" schools. Then I was "forced" to consider my less-researched options. A mistake, sure, but I could see it happening to a lot of people that way.

mzmeg said...

i called columbia on monday and basically asked, "are you still calling people you're accepting?"

their answer on monday: "we've called very FEW people we're accepting."


and congrats on unh traffic jam!!

Anonymous said...

Playwrights, my peeps, right on. Thanks for being here. I will continue to post knowing someone is out there for me. Ha. I am validated to see that so far NO ONE has applied to Columbia. I wanted to go there for my family legacy, but their playwriting department--- ain't. DOH!
So many other better choices...good luck to all.
Viva, American Theater!

Anonymous said...

For those still waiting to hear from the University of Kansas, I e-mailed the graduate secretary, who wrote that the creative writing faculty is still reviewing files. I think Lawrence would be a great place to write.

Lindsey said...

comment 1000: Anyone hear anything from Montana? Word was they would start making calls today.

realitywrites said...

i just wanted to be the 1,000 person to comment. ZING!

realitywrites said...

oh darn.

Lindsey said...

To Clarify: Montana for fiction?

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