Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are WE there yet?

As of March 14, this blog will no longer be updated. Visit seth abramson's data bank of application response times. The comments will remain open for the exchange of information and encouragement.

In 2007, the 2007 MFA Acceptances blog (thanks Lindsey!) was a great resource for nervous MFA hopefuls. So I've decided to start a similar site for (no less nervous!) 2008 applicants. If you've heard news from any of these schools (or heard from a school not on this list), comment below to let us know and I'll update this master list. Please let us know WHAT you heard (accepted, rejected, waitlisted), WHEN you heard (the date-- be as exact as possible), and HOW you heard (phone, email, post), and to which genre you applied (Fiction, poetry, screenwriting, etc). If you'd prefer not to comment, feel free to email me. Congrats and good luck to everyone!

2008 MFA/MA Creative Writing Programs

Alabama- 2/17 accepted poetry via phone; 2/25 rejected fiction via snail mail
Alaska (Anchorage)-
Alaska (Fairbanks)-
American University- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone; 3/6 accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Arkansas -2/27 accepted poetry via phone
Arizona State- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone
Baltimore- 3/3 accepted fiction/nonfiction via email
Bennington College-
Boise State- 1/25 accepted poetry via phone
Boston U-
Bowling Green (OH)-
Brooklyn College- accepted fiction via phone
Cal Arts- 3/8 accepted (genre?) via phone
California College of the Arts- 2/29 accepted via phone (genre?)
Cal State (Fresno)-
Cal State (Long Beach)-
Central Florida - 2/15 accepted fiction via email
Chatham College- 1/24 acceptance creative nonfiction snailmail; 1/28/08 accepted - creative writing - via snail mail; 2/15 fiction acceptance via snail mail
City College of NY-
CUNY/Hunter- 2/22 CUNY Hunter rejected via snail mail (Fiction)
Cleveland State-
Colorado- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
Colorado State-
Columbia - 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/6 accepted nonfiction via phone; 3/8 accepted poetry via phone
Columbia College (Chicago)-
Cornell- 2/8 accepted poetry via phone; 2/8 accepted fiction via phone; 2/14 rejected fiction via snail mail
Depaul- 3/1 denial letter via snail mail
Eastern Michigan-
Eastern Washington- 2/10 accepted creative nonfiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
Emerson- 2/9 accepted poetry via mail
Farleigh Dickinson-
Florida- 2/24 accepted poetry via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email
Florida International-
Florida State- 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
George Mason- 1/26 accepted fiction via email
Georgia- 3/1, rejected, PhD fiction, snail mail, letter postmarked 2/27
Georgia State-2/23 accepted poetry via mail
Goddard College-
Goucher College-
Guelph University-
Hollins- 3/3/08 accepted poetry via email; 3/3 accepted nonfiction via email
Idaho- 3/1 accepted poetry via phone
Illinois (Chicago) -
Illinois (UIUC)- 2/20 accepted fiction via email
Indiana- 1/25 accepted fiction via phone; 3/1 waitlist fiction via phone
Iowa- 2/15 accepted nonfiction via email; 2/18 accepted fiction via phone
Iowa State-
Johns Hopkins- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Lesley- 2/15/08 accepted (low-res) writing for children by phone; 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted poetry via phone
Louisiana State-
Maryland- postmarked 2/28 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/1 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
McNeese State- 1/17 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email; rejected fiction via email
Memphis-2/8/08 accepted creative nonfiction via phone & email
Michigan- 2/19 accepted poetry via email; 2/19 accepted fiction via email
Miami (University of, FL)-
Mills College- 3/8 accepted fiction via snail mail
Minnesota- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Moorehead)- 2/18 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Mankato) - 3/1/08 Accepted for CNF via Snail Mail
Mississippi (Ole Miss)-
Missouri (Columbia)- 2/13 accepted poetry by phone; 2/13 accepted fiction by phone
Missouri (St. Louis)-
Montana- 3/7 accepted poetry via phone; 3/7 accepted creative non fiction via phone
Murray State-
Nevada (LV)-
New England College- accepted poetry via phone
New Hampshire- 3/5 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted nonfiction via phone
New Mexico State- 2/14 accepted poetry via phone
New School- 2/15 accepted fiction phone
New York University-
North Carolina State-
Northern Michigan-
North Texas-
Notre Dame- 2/20 accepted prose via phone
Ohio State- 1/25/08 accepted fiction via phone; 2/7/08 waitlisted poetry via email
Old Dominion-
Oregon State- 3/6 accepted fiction via email
Pacific Lutheran-
Pacific University- 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
Penn State- 2/8/08 accepted - Penn State Creative Nonfiction - via email
Pine Manor- 12/24/07 accepted- low res. mfa creative writing / writing for children and young adults - via snail mail
Pittsburgh- 2/26 accepted non fiction via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via snail mail
Portland State-
Purdue- 1/31/08 accepted - poetry - via email;2/14 fiction rejection via snail mail
2/7/08 accepted- fiction via phone; accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Queens University- 2/10 accepted - fiction - via phone
Rutgers- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
San Diego State-
San Francisco State-
San Jose State-
Sarah Lawrence-
School of the Art Institute School (Chicago)-
Seattle Pacific-
Seton Hill-
Sonoma State-
South Carolina-
South Florida- 2/12 accepted via email; 2/14 & 2/28 rejected via snail mail and email
Southern Illinois (Carbondale)- 2/27 accepted via snail mail
Southern Maine-
Southwest Texas State-
Spalding- 1/6/08 accepted - low res mfa writing for children and young adults -via telephone
St. Mary's-
Stanford (Stegner Fellowship)-
Stonecoast - 2/12 accepted via phone
Syracuse- 2/8/08 accepted - poetry - by phone; 3/4 accepted fiction by phone
Tennessee (Knoxville) -
Texas-Austin Michener Center- 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Texas (El Paso)- 3/4 accepted fiction and nonfiction via email
Texas State (San Marcos)-3/4 accepted poetry and fiction via email
Texas Tech- 2/16 rejected PhD Fiction by postal mail
UC-Davis- 3/2 accepted fiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
UC Irvine-
UC Riverside-
U of Hawaii-
UCSD (playwriting)-
UMass (Amherst)- 2/18 accepted for poetry via phone; 2/20 accepted fiction via phone
UMass (Boston)- 3/4 accepted poetry via emali; 3/5 accepted fiction via email
University of Memphis-
University of New Mexico-
University of New Orleans-
UNC Greensboro-
UNC Wilmington- 2/13 accepted for Poetry via email; 2/13 accepted for fiction via email
University of San Francisco-
USC- 2/25 rejection playwriting via snail mail; 2/21 accepted for poetry PHD; 3/3 accepted fiction via snail mail
University of Southern Miss.-
Utah- 2/8/08 poetry acceptance via phone
Vanderbilt- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Vermont College- 2/5/08 accepted Vermont College writing for children (lo-res) via phone; 2/18 accepted poetry via phone
Virginia Commonwealth University - 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Virginia Tech- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Warren Wilson College-
Washington (Seattle)-
Washington U (St. Louis)- 2/13 rejected - poetry - via snail mail; 2/15 accepted - fiction - via snail mail
Western Connecticut State-
Western Michigan- 2/21 accepted fiction via post; 2/25 rejected via snail mail
West Virginia- 2/13 accepted poetry
Wichita State- 2/20 accepted fiction via snail mail
Wilkes University
Wisconsin- Madison- FICTION- 2/25 rejection via website; 2/29 accepted via email; 3/1 waitlist via email
Wyoming- 2/27 accepted poetry via email
Yale (playwriting)-


1 – 200 of 1268   Newer›   Newest»
Dawn Buthorn said...

12/24/07 accepted- Pine Manor College low res. mfa creative writing- via snail mail

1/6/08 accepted-Spalding University low res mfa-via telephone

Still waiting on Lesley, Vermont, and Hamline.

Laura Scott said...

Thank you thank you thank you for starting this...

Ryan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ryan said...

Will you post information for the PhD in creative writing? There are a few of us out there.

Brent said...

There are also some MAs in creative writing that are not on the list, however some programs listed ARE MAs. In any case, two others that I applied to are Tennessee (Knoxville), and Illinois (Chicago). Good luck everyone!

Tine said...

Bard isn't on the list. It's far from traditional, but they do have a writing discipline for their summer MFA program. I only applied to Bard and UNCW. Dangerous.

Stacy said...

Thanks for starting this!

captaintodd said...

It would be easier to read the updates to this list if the dates and info were a different color or font than the names of the schools...though maybe I'm just a snoot with poor vision.

R.T. said...

I think it would be helpful, too if the updates were in a different color or just in bold- easier to read.

Thank you for keeping track :)

JL Kulakowski said...

I just received, by mail, acceptance to Chatham.

Still waiting on Pitt, PSU, and Carlow.

realitywrites said...

Please add Virginia Commonwealth University to this list.

and thanks for getting the ball rolling!

Ryan Gibbs said...

I'd like to third what captaintodd and r.p. requested -- maybe a nice blue or something for the acceptance/date info; great resource, but it'd be a lot easier to scan if there were some color contrast.


eLily said...

also - for those posting - be sure to include for which genre you were accepted. Thanks.

and why no anon comments?

Dawn Buthorn said...

I'm the one who posted the acceptances to Pine Manor and Spalding-both were in writing for children and young adults.

JL Kulakowski said...

My acceptance to Chatham (1/24) is for CNF.


Anonymous said...

1/28/08 accepted to chatham university mfa creative writing - via snail mail

Anonymous said...

I think Brooklyn College and CUNY-Brooklyn are one and the same... anyone know for sure?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone been asked to interview at any MFA in playwriting programs yet?

bethany said...

I got an acceptance at Chatham (dated 1/14) for Poetry. Also, I heard that all MFA acceptances at OSU were notified on 1/26.

see for more info

MC said...

Accepted by Purdue in Poetry
Notified Officially: January 31, 2008
By email regarding
fellowship: January 28, 2008

Still waiting on 9 others

Anyone else?



Lyz said...

I concur with the different colors. Thanks for having this site to feed my ever-growing obsession and insecurities.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who hasn't heard back from anyone yet?

Also, I applied to George Mason for fiction and according to the list, they sent out their acceptances on 1/26/08. If I didn't get one, does that mean I'm not in? Because online my app status says "In Review."

Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous poster above me: It is WAY early in the game. I think that most of us haven't heard anything. Make yourself some hot cider, take a bath, do a load of laundry, and try to think of other things. It could be next week, but it could also be April before you hear anything. Best of luck to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else here unable to log in to the speakeasy forum? Just since this morning, I've been unable to log in. I keep getting an error message. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Same. Looks like it's down for now. I'm not holding my breath that it'll be fixed before Monday, either, with AWP going on and all. Is there another MFA forum somewhere I don't know about? Gotta get my daily fix of shared-anxiety.

roderick mcclain said...

waiting on
columbia college

i should hear from chatham this week

Brittany said...

I'm still waiting on ALL of my schools!:

George Mason
Virginia Commonwealth
Colorado State
New School
UMass Amherst

As I read this blog, and others, I start to regret that I didn't apply to more schools. I guess if I get 7 rejections I'll have the chance to apply for them next year!

JL Kulakowski said...

Brittany, I only applied to four. Yes, I've been nervous as well, but as I have no plans to relocate, and I do plan to commute, two hours' drive was my max. One other school fell within that range, but I got so frustrated with their website that I gave up.

If none of the other three want me, Chatham does, so I know I'm going somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting on all of my schools too:

new school

This is intense, but if you look at last years blog it appears as though most people heard back late Feb/early March so i'm not super worried yet.

Pensive495 said...

If you haven't gotten a response yet, you're part of a very large majority. I've applied to twelve programs and haven't heard anything.

Wisconsin; Brown; Pitt; Notre Dame; Iowa; Mich; West Mich; Sarah Lawrence; BGSU; Washington/St. Louis; Virginia; and Indiana.

Not even a peep. Don't sweat it.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting to hear from:


I will post when I hear anything.

Anonymous said...

Brittany - I applied to two schools. There's no point in applying to a school that you don't really want to go to just so that you go somewhere. I think you did the right thing. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Roderick, your drawings are great. I love them. Maybe we will both get into UNCW and we will be friends.

Anonymous said...

Is the Speakeasy down again this morning (Monday, 2/4)?

Two of my top three choices have called people in February. This is the last week where I KNOW it's not possible to get a call. I'm feeling pretty tense now, but if my phone stays silent I might remember this last hopeful week quite fondly.

roderick mcclain said...

pomme de terre-
thanks for looking. i have never lived in north carolina. best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I lived in Raleigh between the ages of 13-19 and my family reunions happen near Wilmington. I have mixed feelings. The drawbacks include: lots of sprawl and shitty driving (lots of traffic + too high speed limits + the fact that you HAVE to have a car). I also feel like going there would be sort of regressive because of my having lived there. A lot of people who live in NC regard it as a vortex that they can not leave. It's also pretty conservative. Aside from all of those things, I think it is a really interesting town with gorgeous beaches. And of course the program seems like heaven. That's my two rupees on Wilmington (not like you asked or anything).

roderick mcclain said...

Thanks for the information. I vacationed in NC once and don't remember much about it. Too bad about the sprawl. I don't do cars.

R.T. said...

I'm waiting, too. I hear that Cornell calls around 2/9 and Wisconsin-Madison and Iowa fall close behind in their calls around the second week. So we just have to sit tight.

I'm waiting on: Iowa, U Michigan, WI-Madison, U Florida, Johns Hopkins, U Montana, UC-Irvine, U Virginia, Cornell, TX-Austin, and Brown.

What said...

I have a question. Everyone here is very fiction-focused but I'm a screenwriter. I applied to UT Austin for screenwriting, whose deadline was 12/15. Does anyone know when they notify? I'd assume earlier than usual since the dl was so early. Thanks.

PS: Brooklyn College & CUNY Brooklyn are the same. I went there.

MC said...


Do you mean UT Austin or the Michener Center for writers? The Michener Center deadline was Jan. 15th.


What said...

No, I'm talking about the film school Radio-TV-Film. They have an MFA in SW and the dl was 12/15.

Anonymous said...


Looks like we are applying to the same places! Good luck and let me know if you get contacted by any of the schools!

Anonymous said...

2/5/08 accepted Vermont College writing for children (lo-res) via phone

R.T. said...

heartandsoul - I'll be sure to do that. I'm hoping to get into contact with at least one other person going to the same school if I get in.

Anonymous said...

Chirp... chirp... chirp... so... how is everyone? What did you have for breakfast? What are you doing to take your mind off of the wait? Who's still in undergrad?

Anonymous said...

On a non-logistical, emotional level, let me just express the fact that the anxiety of all of us hopefuls waiting to hear back from these institutions could generate one hell of a reality t.v. show. I just thought I'd throw that out there, in case any Fox execs happen to be keeping tabs on this blog.

roderick mcclain said...

I'm anxious about a few of these. So anxious that I check this blog and a few others in compulsive cycles. Leads nowhere. I keep going to the post office, too.

Pensive495 said...

Why watch "Who wants to be a millionaire?" when you can watch, "Who wants to be broke, over-qualified, and stealing pens and post-its from your temp job to feed what one can only call a self-destructive writing habit that may someday (if you're lucky) provide you a meager living as a professor at a community college in Kentucky teaching young hung-over twenty-somethings how to dot an 'i' and why it is quintessential that critical essays not be written on the back of a cocktail napkin from a bar named the Brass Ass?" I'm hopeful...but I desperately need a valium. Love you all for you support.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on a BFA in painting. I don't paint, but the painting department has the best critical discourse at The Cleveland Institute of Art. It is also the hardest. They enjoy making us cry. My way of dealing with the wait is easy- if I don't focus on my BFA then I'll be humiliated.

Anonymous said...

For today's breakfast I adhered raw oats to a stick of butter, put on a bib, and asked the neighbor kids to throw the oat log at my face.

roderick mcclain said...

I had oatmeal with cucumber and mango and honey. Afterwards I went to the post office and said the F word when my PO box swung open and was empty.

Right now I am sitting by the telephone with a bottle of Iron Fist. I am twitching and squeezing a tennis ball. The lights are off. The room is a dark one. I realize that my anxieties may last another month or two.

Anonymous said...

2/7/08 accepted- Purdue, Fiction, Phone

roderick mcclain said...

to those of you who have been contacted via telephone, how do those conversations go? if someone could speak to their experience i sure would appreciate it. are the calls formal? loose? longer or shorter than five minutes? any mention of funding and the like?


Pensive495 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pensive495 said...

I found this cruising on I didn't apply here, but thought it may be helpful.

The Ohio State University, Main Campus; Creative Writing (poetry) MFA Wait listed;
2008-02-07 (E-mail)

Anonymous said...

i have had one acceptance via email and one on the phone. both were extensive conversations. i spoke on the phone with the director of the program for maybe a half hour. he first talked about why i would be a good fit with the program, outlined the funding, offered some insights to the program, talked about the taship, etc. it was really informative and nice. i'm sure i geeked out all over the place and asked dumb questions and seemed like a desperate weirdo, but the director was very approachable and kind. i don't know if that answers your question.

roderick mcclain said...

that helps, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad there are other people out there who are as obsessed with finding out if they got into schools as I am...My boyfriend works from home, so I call him starting at noon to ask him to check the mail. All we get are pizza coupons...and bills. I had pizza four times this week. I only applied to four programs, so I'm super nervous.

Anonymous said...

2/8/08 accepted - Penn State Creative Nonfiction - via email

JL Kulakowski said...

"2/8/08 accepted - Penn State Creative Nonfiction - via email"

ARGH! There's nothing in my e-mail!

Pensive495 said...

A guy on the P&W speakeasy is quoted as saying,

"crap, i just got a call from john lennon at *Cornell* (i think that's what he said). fiction. as you can imagine, i'm excited. still waiting on others. best wishes to everybody"

It's a big name, thought it would be helpful.

Pensive495 said...

From the P&W speakeasy.

"Got a call yesterday (2/8) afternoon and I'm in at Utah for Poetry. Didn't make the BA to PhD direct track, but into the MFA."

Hope it helps.

Unknown said...


Did the director of the program call you? I, too, applied to Utah--but in fiction. I'll stay near the phone.


Pensive495 said...

Actually, I didn't apply to Utah. I'm still waiting on all twelve of my schools. I was on Poets and Writers forum and saw that someone had written this. It's a great place to find info, but a lot of the bloggers don't seem to know about this blog or Seth's. So, if I see someone else write,I've been trying to put it on here to be helpful. It gives me a distraction while I wait semi-patiently.

Anonymous said...

Thanks pensive. I'll update the main list soon—probably tomorrow—and expect the responses to start pouring in this week. Good luck to everyone!

spillingink said...

oh gosh! just reading those words "and expect the responses to start pouring in this week" made my stomach turn. thanks so much for this list, godfrey. it is my current favorite obsession.

Anonymous said...

I registered on the P&W site, but I don't see the acceptance blog. Can someone direct me to it? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Accepted to Memphis for CNF on 02/08/08 via phone and then email.

Pensive495 said...
You do have to register first, but it's really simple. Once in, click on the MFA Forum. From there, the two that are the best for acceptances and rejections are "the waiting game" and
"I'm in!" I added these to my list of nervous obsessions and they have been very helpful.

Pensive495 said...

Quoted from someone on the P&W speakeasy:

"On 2/8 I received an acceptance email to Penn State for CNF"

I hate waiting.

Drasticmania1 said...

I just got accepted by Queens University, for Fiction, by phone, on a Sunday, none the less.

Andrew Miller said...

Here's what a live blog might look like for any one of us:

7:34 a.m. Awoke in a sweaty panic, checked phone for missed calls. Nothing.

7:43 a.m. After a quick rinse in the bathroom, rushed to the bedroom after confusing T.V. commercial for phone.

7:50 a.m. Notice fresh-brewed coffee is clear, then realized coffee was never added to filter. More importantly, the phone did not ring during this failed process.

8:01 a.m. Place phone on newly constructed "cell phone shelf" located just above the showerhead while showering.

...It's going to be a long week, folks. Be vigilant. I know it dipped down to -15 below here in Minnesota, so you can imagine my anticipation for Arizona's phone call. Get me out of here!

Pensive495 said...

This is quoted from Seth Abramson's acceptance blog...

"Accepted on Saturday by mail to Emerson for poetry."

Molly said...

That was me! :) Yep, heard from Emerson this weekend. Goodness, we are all twitchy... I've got all the different sites up right now at work. Refresh, refresh. :)

Anonymous said...

I am going crazy with anxiety. Still haven't heard back from the 8 programs I applied to but did hear back from UNC-Greensboro that they were missing parts of my application. CHECK YOUR APPLICATIONS. Now I get to fight with my undergrad program over who's to blame and whether or not they will rush deliver a new copy. SIGH. At least this is a good distraction.

Anonymous said...

(if it helps for anyone's timetable) Last year I submitted my applications, to 3 schools, on the day of the deadline. I batted .333. Received a rejection from one in late Feb, got accepted to one in mid March and rejected from the third in late March.

Anonymous said...

which three schools? ;)

Anonymous said...

hey, why isn't this blog keeping up-to-date? according to seth abramson's blog and the p&w forum, and probably other sources i don't know about, there have been several acceptances since february 4th. does this blog plan on updating regularly?

Pensive495 said...

Simmer down bud, we're all anxious. Scroll up, he said he would be updating shortly.

Godfrey said...

Sorry for the delay, guys. I blame my two jobs. Anonymous, if you'd like to help update you can feel free to email me and we'll talk. If it helps any, I hate my jobs, and am extremely nervous too.

Anonymous said...

What's up with anonymous posting on this blog anyway? I mean, come on, this is an mfa blog, not the ministry of defense headquarters fer crissakes. Do you really need to protect your anonymity? But anyway, forgive me. I'm edgy. All this pining for an answer, a yes, a's driving me nuts. NUTS, I tell you! Any words of comfort from fellow inmates?

Brittany said...

I'm freaking out. Much like a former anon. comment, I too am still sending in materials. Mainly because I'm an idiot. I went to one university for one semester my freshman year and then transferred and I totally forgot to send those transcripts with my apps.

Two of my schools said they didn't need them unless I was admitted, 2 told me they needed them but it was cool they were late, and the other 3...well, I don't know! So I sent out a request last week.

Who knows if that university even got them, and if they'll send them, and if my grad schools will get them. I need a Xanax

Am I doomed?

Anonymous said...

Nah, yr cool, Brittany. Just keep the faith and know that you are not alone in your freaking-outedness. It'll all work out.

Anonymous said...

Did Cornell notify fiction applicants on 2/8 as well or was it just poetry?

Also, do the notification dates mean that all the admitted candidates were notified that day, or do notifications happen on more of a rolling basis, and that is simply the first anyone has heard?

Anonymous said...

@ anon above. acceptances typically spread out over days, and in some cases a couple of weeks or so. so, don't assume you're rejected until you have something in writing to that effect. good luck!

Anonymous said...

To Joey,

Anonymous is easier because when I try to put in my name it logs onto my own blog...which I don't want to link to here and I don't feel like coming up with a fake name because it adds an element of cute to this situation that is decidedly anything but cute.

So, it's not for anonymity for anonymity's sake but rather laziness and ease.

sorry to irritate,

Anonymous said...

Accepted to Syracuse Poetry, Feb. 8, by phone

christopher lirette said...

I was also accepted into Cornell, poetry, by phone on February 8.

Anonymous said...

Hey, does anyone know anything about the Minnesota State (Moorhead) MFA program? I'm just curious about its reputation and what not. I'd post this at the Poets and Writers Speakeasy, but the website is down.

Anonymous said...

anyone know if response times differ for poetry and fiction? in general, i guess? as someone else said, sorry to post this here, but speakeasy's down.

another anecdote that probably would have been posted on speakeasy: today a restricted call on my phone made me leap out of a meeting at work and almost cough up my heart. it was keyspan, asking for a meter reading. hang tough everyone.

mummy licker said...

also accepted to syracuse for poetry. anonymous, i'd love to connect with you. my email is

JL Kulakowski said...

Carlow's (Pittsburgh) low residency program isn't on the list. I didn't get official word, but I did hear from the director yesterday. Looks good.

Anonymous said...

Today I checked the mailbox twice before the inevitable disappointment - nothing from any of the ten schools I applied to. I did, however, receive disc 2 of The Wire, Season I got that going for me, which is nice. If I don't get into any the fiction programs I applied to, I'm becoming a cop. That's all there is to it.

Andrew Miller said...

Since we're all waiting, maybe in the meantime we could list who we are waiting on...? Maybe list in order of preference, just to get a feel for things?

Genre: Creative Nonfiction

1. Arizona
2. Oregon State
3. Eastern Washington
4. Minnesota State
5. Arizona State (but for fiction)

Anonymous said...

I applied to Fiction programs and am waiting with baited breath, white knuckles, a knot in my stomach, and a sack of white sage on my altar to Fortuna Virilis:

U of TX (Michener)
U of Oregon
U of Iowa
U of Montana
U of Florida
Purdue University
U of Notre Dame
Stegener Fellowship

Cory Harris said...

I was rejected through Ohio State's Online Database, so now I'm only waiting for fifteen schools, although I've got to admit getting into Purdue and Indiana at this point is as likely as Dennis Kucinich emerging as the Democratic favorite.

My preferences hinge on location and 3 year > 2 year, and after 4 it's pretty flexible, since I really just want to get in.

New Hampshire
Penn State
Notre Dame
NC State

I should have just put those app fees on one number in a roulette wheel.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that other people are checking email and mailboxes as compulsively as I am. Each new day of junk mail is making me that much more crazy! Anyway, I applied to 9 schools. So far I've heard NOTHING... :-(

U. of Oregon
West Virginia
U. of Alabama
U. of Michigan
Western Michigan
U. of Alaska
U. of Arkansas

MC said...

10 for me, waiting on nine:


Good luck everyone!


Anonymous said...

I only applied to four schools (for fiction) and now I'm getting more and more freaked out and wishing I applied to more: University of Pittsburgh, Penn State, University of Washington, University of Minnesota

Unknown said...

New School
Sarah Lawrence

Sweet list, eh?

Anonymous said...

Only five for me. No point in getting accepted somewhere I don't want to go. And the $, yikes. Oh, and I'm for poetry.
Colorado State
Columbia College Chicago

roderick mcclain said...

the list i posted above is fairly accurate as far as my top wants are concerned. i applied for fiction.


Anonymous said...

Here are my schools, and no, I haven't heard anything yet.
U Iowa
U Texas Austin
U Montana
U Georgia
Florida State
Ole Miss
George Mason
New School

Hadley said...

oops. I should have included my area of interest - fiction - on the previous "anonymous" school list.
I am tensing up because George Mason has supposedly started contacting accepted students although GM is not my top choice.

Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting that people are hearing back from Chatham now...I thought their deadline for applying for the program that starts in June was in mid-March. I was honestly going to wait to hear if I got into my top four schools and then, if I didn't get in anywhere, apply to Chatham and Carlow. It seems like they have basically no funding though. (Does anyone know how religious Carlow really is? That scares me.) Anyway, are those who were accepted to Chatham, planning to attend in June? Any feel for funding? Thanks.

spillingink said...

I applied to both fiction and poetry programs--kind of randomly. In fact, my writing samples were different for every school. I did not initially plan on doing that, it just sort of happened.
Here is my list:
1. University of Texas (Michener)--this is my number one, because I am currently living in Austin and it would be really great to not have to relocate. But honestly, I am not holding my breath.
2. Iowa--for obvious reasons.
3. School of the Art Institute of Chicago--did anyone else apply here? This would be a good option for me too, because my boyfriend lives in Chicago, so I spend a lot of time there already.
4. Columbia (Chicago, not NY)
5. Emerson
6. Brown
7. Amherst
8. U of Florida--Gainesville
9. Irvine
10. Calarts

And, no, I haven't heard a word.

Todd, I went to both Sarah Lawrence and New School for undergrad, and even though I know the programs are very different at a graduate level, I just wanted to say that I love both of those schools dearly. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing the number of comments on this site go up and at first I get excited because I think more people have commented with acceptance/rejection updates, but then it turns out to be a thread on something else. I am guilty of making off topic comments, too, (on the PW speakeasy) but these lists of "This is where I applied" are taking it to the extreme. I think they are annoying and pointless unless you've heard a rejection/acceptance from one of the schools. (And I can only imagine how much trouble Godfrey is going to have sorting through comments down the road!) (And keep the off-topic threads out of Seth's blog, too!)

We all know we're waiting to hear from schools, so let's keep it at the topic at hand. As they say on Project Runway: are you in or are you out?

Just so you don't think I'm being a jerk - I'm not against the feeling of fraternity among us as we are nervously waiting replies, but there are plenty of other online forums for this kind of chatter. And I do think it's OK for people to connect with other newly accepted students at a school they are going to attend. My suggestion is to just keep the threads to a minimum, or take them elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

keep threads to a minimum, emily? is that why you had to have the longest post ever!? hahaha

Jeramey said...

Creative Nonfiction, in no particular order:

The New School
Sarah Lawrence
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Andrew Miller said...

Emily, it's important to note Godfrey's blog is titled, "Are WE there yet?" and not "Am I there yet?" Yes, this blog has a distinct purpose, but I think Godfrey himself would say this site is as much about commiserating with fellow applicants as it is posting application acceptances.

I understand the moodiness given yours (and our) circumstances. But very simply, if you have an issue with the comment section, avoid it.

Anonymous said...

While I too am excited and anxious to know when other people hear from grad schools, it also comforts me to read about their thoughts and emotions, as off-topic as they may seem. It gives a sense of camaraderie that I would hate to see stifled.

P.S. In my above post I forgot to say that I applied in Poetry.

Anonymous said...

Accepted, University of MFA Blog Comment Regulation, by email 2/12

Anonymous said...

maybe if people bold their acceptance, genre, date, method, would that help? is it likely people would do that? and is it even necessary?

Pensive495 said...

From Tom Kealey's blog spot:

Accepted University of South Florida by email. No date listed. (probably 2/12)

Accepted Stonecoast in Poetry, by phone on 02/12

JL Kulakowski said...

To anonymous regarding Chatham:

I've been officially accepted to Chatham (as previously reported) and unofficially to Carlow (CNF). Chatham has new fellowships available this year and all incoming first year students will be considered for them, though the deadline is this Friday (as well as for the Rachel Carson fellowship).

I'm gathering info on Carlow right now. Low-res is ideal for me, but without money, I don't know.

My other schools I've yet to hear from: Penn State & Pitt.

Anonymous said...

Emily hates comraderie.

Anonymous said...

to Emily:

I have applied to:
Penn State
George Mason
U of Baltimore

Anonymous said...

for CNF!! and I love these blogs and the support. good luck to everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Emily can't spell, either.

Anonymous said...

I applied to UVA, UNCG, Ole Miss, Alabama, Michener, and USC. I haven't heard a peep.

Anonymous said...



I know. It's a short list. I'll spare the excuses- these are the two places I want to go.

Anonymous said...

Are there any other George Mason fiction applicants out there stressing over that 1/26 notification? I haven't heard from GM and on the website my application is still "in review" (unless they haven't updated that). Just curious.


Unknown said...

Spillingink: I'm kind of wondering if I might know you, or should, as I live in Austin and my boyfriend's a Sarah Lawrence alum (and that school is so small and tight they tend to stick together).

Happen to know an Alex Stone-Tharp?

Just curious!

PS I'm applying to nine schools for poetry.

Anonymous said...

To the two Emerson applications: what genre?

Anonymous said...

Creative nonfiction for emerson

Anonymous said...

Anyone out there applying to a PhD program in fiction? Where did you apply? As for me:

Georgia State
Texas Tech
North Texas

Any word yet? Any hope? Do you know the acceptance rates for any of these programs?

bethany said...

anyone dually apply for CNF and poetry?

i emailed Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program yesterday with a question about my app and also very subtly inquired when applicants would be notified regarding their admission status.

they answered my original question, but purposely left out when we can expect to be notified. i love all this ambiguity (kidding, obviously).

i'm still waiting on the same 9 schools that most of you are. :D

Pensive495 said...

From Tom Kealey's Blog:

"I'm in at Eastern Washington (creative nonfiction)... and they called me at 9 on a Sunday morning!"

Anonymous said...

lpdDear Friends,

I just heard from the Michener folks re: some application questions I had asked, and they let slip that decisions won't be made until March. Make of that what you will.

Anonymous said...

I've not heard a peep. For fiction, I'm waiting to hear from:


Anonymous said...

I was accepted at McNeese State for fiction via email on 1/17.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting to hear from:

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Anonymous said...

(for fiction) (above)

Anonymous said...

oops, scratch that second "Minnesota" and make it "Massachusetts..."

Sorry for overloadin' the board.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Accepted to UNCW 2/13 for Poetry. By email.

Anonymous said...

as for me, fiction:


(talk about a short list)

Anonymous said...

Applied in fiction, in order of preference:
U of Oregon
Colorado State
Didn’t hear a peep too... I know I should expect rejection letters in mid March, but.. Hope never dies..

spillingink said...

No, I do not know an Alex Stone-Thorp. Sorry!

Anonymous #1: Fiction @ Emerson

Anonymous #2: Thanks for the info on Michener. I think I can wait till March. I guess I kinda have to. Argh!

Anonymous said...

Kelley, are you going to go to UNCW or do you have others on your list that you're more excited about?

Anonymous said...

Did anybody apply to UC davis?

roderick mcclain said...

hopefully UNCW fiction acceptance notifications were not done today

Anonymous said...

I applied to UC Davis and haven't heard anything yet. According to a few sites, they called admitted students on 2/14 last year, so it could be any day now. I'm developing an ulcer with all this waiting. I haven't heard back from any of the schools I applied to.

And is anyone else dying with the P&W Speakeasy down today??

Anonymous said...

I'm dying with that listserv down. honestly!! can they bring that up now? it says mid afternoon!!!!!
i wish i would hear something...anything...but it's still early...right? next week and the week after is the average time period for the most notifications...right?

Anonymous said...

I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to say this, but...

I got accepted to West Virginia University today(Feb 13)!!!! With a full TAship and stipend!!!(For poetry)

So yeah...I'm pretty excited.

Kaitlin Marks-Dubbs said...

Where are you guys finding the acceptances on P&W? I have this and the Seth Abramson blogspot list up, but I can't find a list on Speakeasy.

Riddlefish said...

The site is down right now, but the two Speakeasy groups that I check regularly are "I'M IN" and "the waiting game." I can't decide if these sort of sites make me feel a little better or much much worse... Every ten minutes I vacillate between tentative hope and utter despair. It's getting kind of tiring.

Pensive495 said...

Someone on Seth's blog just said they received a rejection from Wash U via snail mail. do you think he meant Washington at Seattle, or Washington University in St. Louis? Anyone?

MC said...

pretty sure he meant Washington University at St. Louis. Which did you apply to?

Pensive495 said...

St. Louis. I've never heard of programs sending rejections before acceptances, have you?

MC said...

I haven't heard of that before. But I would imagine (and I mean no offense to the person who posted their rejection, because I sure know some are heading my way) that it is possible for them to first identify the people they really would not accept. Then again, who knows.

I was impressed with Washington U at St. Louis initially but my wife was concerned about living in St. Louis, so it didn't end up on my list. But good luck to those who have included it.


Anonymous said...

pomme de terre:

Yeah, I'm pretty psyched to go to UNCW. I was told that they won't know what aid they can give me until mid-March, so I'm going to wait on that. There are other schools I hope to hear from still, but NC is definitely one of my top choices

Anonymous said...

Kelley, that is GREAT! That is where I am hoping to go as well (for fiction). I don't know how good my chances are. I'm still in undergrad for video and performance art so it's sort of a new world for me and I don't know what I'm up against or where I stand. If I am fortunate enough to try another mode of cultural production in Wilmington, I'll post it up and I'd love to chat with you and other prospectives.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to talk to anyone else who was accepted or is definitely planning to attend West Virginia U (or who has already attended). My email is
Good Luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

pomme de terre:

Yeah, I was a Classics undergrad and I've never taken a workshop or writing course, so I'm wondering where I stand as well. You can contact me anytime.

AIM = eatunicornmeat

Good luck!

embot said...

Has anyone interviewed for Northwestern's MFA in writing for the screen and stage? I'm to call them later today and I'm curious about what they will want to know.

Anonymous said...

I want news on Valentine's day! How 'bout y'all?

Anonymous said...

good news on valentine's day would be sweet indeed! ;)

Anonymous said...

Anybody going out of their mind thinking Wisconsin is going to call them today???

If they do, I'm headed to the strip club across the state line tonight. Nobody says, "I Love You" like naked amateurs on Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

wow, heartandsoul, that's sad. but thanks for sharing; you make for a good character!

Anonymous said...

sorry if i make anyone jealous...but FYI! PENN STATE RECEIVED MY FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION!!!!!!!

....still no word on any acceptances though. who needs an acceptance letter anyway!

JL Kulakowski said...

In response to anonymouse who said, "sorry if i make anyone jealous...but FYI! PENN STATE RECEIVED MY FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION!!!!!!!"

I got an e-mail to that effect last week. What, exactly, does it mean?? I thought it just meant, well -- that they'd received it. I read nothing else into it...? Help??

Anonymous said...

yeah. i was kidding. I assume it doesn't mean anything. just that-- well, they received it. i was so mad when i saw it thinking it was something else!! i expressed my angst through sarcasam. it may have come off the wrong way. im sorry.

JL Kulakowski said...

No problem. I'm well overdue for a little sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Heartandsoul, why do you think WI will call today/can call today? Do you know something?:))

Anonymous said...

Hunter just deposited my check!! looks like that means they are reviewing...ok...any day now...not really....who else is waiting on Hunter?

Anonymous said...

embot, in regards to Northwestern's MFA: what did you find out?? I know that last year they did interviews on this date but I haven't heard anything yet. Even though it's still early I'm starting to freak a little...

Anonymous said...

FYI: All four Cornell folks posted on Seth's blog, and they're all thrilled, which means they're all going. For those of you still holding out for Cornell.

Anonymous said...

PS: Apologies. Re: above, in poetry, I'm fairly certain.

Pensive495 said...

I think she's freaking out about Wisconsin calling because this was the date they called last year.

On Seth's blog they're talking about taping a list of the area codes of their schools onto the back of their cel phones. Have we really come to this?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's come to this. After I read that on Seth's blog I did it myself. Somebody told me I needed to calm down. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

R.T. said...

I wrote all the area codes last week to my 11 schools. It's sitting above my computer at work. I stare at it and send all my good karmic powers toward it. I'm kidding, but it is all on a sticky note on the whiteboard. My stomach hurts from nerves.

Anonymous said...

RP, what's Wisconsin?

Anonymous said...

FYI - I got an e-mail from New Hampshire last week (Thursday, I think?) saying we should be receiving our letters "soon."

That was a week ago, so clearly the author's definition of "soon" differs significantly from mine.

carrie murphy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carrie murphy said...

i got into New Mexico State for poetry, today, by phone call!

Daniela Olszewska said...

Got rejection letter from Wash U today (for poetry). *sniffles* It wasn't my top choice; but, still, my first rejection letter. Ouch.

Anonymous said...

Also just received my first rejection letter today - Purdue, Fiction via snail mail. Also not my first choice, also still disappointed.

Daniela Olszewska said...

EDIT: I got A rejection letter from Wash U today.


This whole process is messing with my head.

bethany said...

bloody ice cream: i'm so sorry :(

i am really hoping to get into WA U for poetry also (i love Mary Jo Bang's work), but you seem like a fabulous poet & if you didn't get in... (sigh). i'm pretty much scared shitless now. eek.

i hope you have a happy valentine's day despite all of this. really.

Anonymous said...

matt - i didn't receive one of those emails. What genre are you applying for?

Anonymous said...

matt and john locke- i also didnt get one of those letters. this is strange. university of new hampshire?

Anonymous said...

i mean "email".

Jeramey said...

To anonymous concerning Hunter above--

When did you send in your app? They still haven't cashed my check, but my application wasn't postmarked until 1/31.

Anonymous said...

What's up with the PW Speakeasy? It is running sloooooooow. Anyone else having the same problem?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get an out of left field email from Cornell's Human Ecology Alumni and Development Department today?? Haven't heard a peep from Cornell...

Anonymous said...

Speakeasy is getting on my nerves. It is either "disabled" or crawling.

Daniela Olszewska said...

Thanks Bethany. Mary Jo Bang was second on my list of reasons why I wanted to attend Wash U (the first being the funding package). I'd hazard to guess that your lack of rejection letter puts you in a pretty good place. I will keep my fingers crossed for you...

I am hating the Speakeasy powers that be right now. They get me addicted to the point where I HAVE to check the MFA boards AT LEAST every few hours and then they close the boards for "updates?" Not cool man, not cool at all.

Anonymous said...

I've got a good feeling about today. Anybody else feel this way?

Anonymous said...

Yes, It's still early out west! My phone will certainly be ringing in a few hours. Without doubt.

Anonymous said...

Question: Is it fruitless to keep checking my online applications for an up-to-date status? They all say something like "in review" which very well may be, but what are the chances that I will hear something from the school before the online status is updated?
Just curious.


Anonymous said...

I keep hearing about people "checking the programs' websites" to see about acceptances. What does this mean? Where are such things announced on the websites?

Pensive495 said...

Is there something specialabout today that I don't know about, or are you all going off of gut instinct?

Daniela Olszewska said...

Pensive - Someone on the Speakeasy mentioned that Fridays, for whatever reason, are popular days for programs to make their calls.

Anonymous said...

Most of my schools have a place either on the grad admissions homepage or the department's homepage where you can check the status of your online application. Not all of them do, however, and I think some of the statuses just let you know whether or not your application is complete. But some of mine say "in review" or "in progress."

Anonymous said...

To the anon PhD in Fiction applicant:
I'm in the same boat. Applied to:

FSU and
Iowa for a second MFA

I got into Utah on 2/8 and am waiting on the rest.

Pensive495 said...

Speaking of the speakeasy, what is going on with the site? Everyday for the last week I have had access for an hour and then it tells you when it will be back up. I know others have commented, any idea what's going on with it?

R.T. said...

Leigh- by Wisconsin I mean the program at Madison.

Yes, what is wrong with Speakeasy? Overload of nervous writers? Not sure.

Pensive- is Friday really a popular day for calls? I'm really waiting on WI-Madison. Does anyone know when they called the 2006 for fiction??

Anonymous said...

Fellow PhD in Fiction,

Congrats on Utah!!! I've heard nothing but good about UofU, and would, in fact, get a warm fuzzy feeling every time I perused their website. I also spoke by phone with the director of the program about three months ago, asking about the program, needling a foot in the door, etc. Very nice woman. As of yet, I've heard nothing from Utah, a less than bolstering sign. I'll wait.

What made you choose FSU and USC?

Pensive495 said...

Seth's blog has most of them, but Wisconsin had no entry for 06'. 2007 received theirs on valentine's day.

Anonymous said...

RP—hehe, I know you meant Wisconsin-Madison, I meant: what's the area code? Is it 608? I'm nervous and waiting too.

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