As of March 14, this blog will no longer be updated. Visit seth abramson's data bank of application response times. The comments will remain open for the exchange of information and encouragement.
In 2007, the 2007 MFA Acceptances blog (thanks Lindsey!) was a great resource for nervous MFA hopefuls. So I've decided to start a similar site for (no less nervous!) 2008 applicants. If you've heard news from any of these schools (or heard from a school not on this list), comment below to let us know and I'll update this master list. Please let us know WHAT you heard (accepted, rejected, waitlisted), WHEN you heard (the date-- be as exact as possible), and HOW you heard (phone, email, post), and to which genre you applied (Fiction, poetry, screenwriting, etc). If you'd prefer not to comment, feel free to email me. Congrats and good luck to everyone!
2008 MFA/MA Creative Writing Programs
Alabama- 2/17 accepted poetry via phone; 2/25 rejected fiction via snail mail
Alaska (Anchorage)-
Alaska (Fairbanks)-
American University- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone; 3/6 accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Arkansas -2/27 accepted poetry via phone
Arizona State- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone
Baltimore- 3/3 accepted fiction/nonfiction via email
Bennington College-
Boise State- 1/25 accepted poetry via phone
Boston U-
Bowling Green (OH)-
Brooklyn College- accepted fiction via phone
Cal Arts- 3/8 accepted (genre?) via phone
California College of the Arts- 2/29 accepted via phone (genre?)
Cal State (Fresno)-
Cal State (Long Beach)-
Central Florida - 2/15 accepted fiction via email
Chatham College- 1/24 acceptance creative nonfiction snailmail; 1/28/08 accepted - creative writing - via snail mail; 2/15 fiction acceptance via snail mail
City College of NY-
CUNY/Hunter- 2/22 CUNY Hunter rejected via snail mail (Fiction)
Cleveland State-
Colorado- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
Colorado State-
Columbia - 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/6 accepted nonfiction via phone; 3/8 accepted poetry via phone
Columbia College (Chicago)-
Cornell- 2/8 accepted poetry via phone; 2/8 accepted fiction via phone; 2/14 rejected fiction via snail mail
Depaul- 3/1 denial letter via snail mail
Eastern Michigan-
Eastern Washington- 2/10 accepted creative nonfiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
Emerson- 2/9 accepted poetry via mail
Farleigh Dickinson-
Florida- 2/24 accepted poetry via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email
Florida International-
Florida State- 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
George Mason- 1/26 accepted fiction via email
Georgia- 3/1, rejected, PhD fiction, snail mail, letter postmarked 2/27
Georgia State-2/23 accepted poetry via mail
Goddard College-
Goucher College-
Guelph University-
Hollins- 3/3/08 accepted poetry via email; 3/3 accepted nonfiction via email
Idaho- 3/1 accepted poetry via phone
Illinois (Chicago) -
Illinois (UIUC)- 2/20 accepted fiction via email
Indiana- 1/25 accepted fiction via phone; 3/1 waitlist fiction via phone
Iowa- 2/15 accepted nonfiction via email; 2/18 accepted fiction via phone
Iowa State-
Johns Hopkins- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Lesley- 2/15/08 accepted (low-res) writing for children by phone; 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted poetry via phone
Louisiana State-
Maryland- postmarked 2/28 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/1 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
McNeese State- 1/17 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email; rejected fiction via email
Memphis-2/8/08 accepted creative nonfiction via phone & email
Michigan- 2/19 accepted poetry via email; 2/19 accepted fiction via email
Miami (University of, FL)-
Mills College- 3/8 accepted fiction via snail mail
Minnesota- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Moorehead)- 2/18 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Mankato) - 3/1/08 Accepted for CNF via Snail Mail
Mississippi (Ole Miss)-
Missouri (Columbia)- 2/13 accepted poetry by phone; 2/13 accepted fiction by phone
Missouri (St. Louis)-
Montana- 3/7 accepted poetry via phone; 3/7 accepted creative non fiction via phone
Murray State-
Nevada (LV)-
New England College- accepted poetry via phone
New Hampshire- 3/5 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted nonfiction via phone
New Mexico State- 2/14 accepted poetry via phone
New School- 2/15 accepted fiction phone
New York University-
North Carolina State-
Northern Michigan-
North Texas-
Notre Dame- 2/20 accepted prose via phone
Ohio State- 1/25/08 accepted fiction via phone; 2/7/08 waitlisted poetry via email
Old Dominion-
Oregon State- 3/6 accepted fiction via email
Pacific Lutheran-
Pacific University- 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
Penn State- 2/8/08 accepted - Penn State Creative Nonfiction - via email
Pine Manor- 12/24/07 accepted- low res. mfa creative writing / writing for children and young adults - via snail mail
Pittsburgh- 2/26 accepted non fiction via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via snail mail
Portland State-
Purdue- 1/31/08 accepted - poetry - via email;2/14 fiction rejection via snail mail
2/7/08 accepted- fiction via phone; accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Queens University- 2/10 accepted - fiction - via phone
Rutgers- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
San Diego State-
San Francisco State-
San Jose State-
Sarah Lawrence-
School of the Art Institute School (Chicago)-
Seattle Pacific-
Seton Hill-
Sonoma State-
South Carolina-
South Florida- 2/12 accepted via email; 2/14 & 2/28 rejected via snail mail and email
Southern Illinois (Carbondale)- 2/27 accepted via snail mail
Southern Maine-
Southwest Texas State-
Spalding- 1/6/08 accepted - low res mfa writing for children and young adults -via telephone
St. Mary's-
Stanford (Stegner Fellowship)-
Stonecoast - 2/12 accepted via phone
Syracuse- 2/8/08 accepted - poetry - by phone; 3/4 accepted fiction by phone
Tennessee (Knoxville) -
Texas-Austin Michener Center- 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Texas (El Paso)- 3/4 accepted fiction and nonfiction via email
Texas State (San Marcos)-3/4 accepted poetry and fiction via email
Texas Tech- 2/16 rejected PhD Fiction by postal mail
UC-Davis- 3/2 accepted fiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
UC Irvine-
UC Riverside-
U of Hawaii-
UCSD (playwriting)-
UMass (Amherst)- 2/18 accepted for poetry via phone; 2/20 accepted fiction via phone
UMass (Boston)- 3/4 accepted poetry via emali; 3/5 accepted fiction via email
University of Memphis-
University of New Mexico-
University of New Orleans-
UNC Greensboro-
UNC Wilmington- 2/13 accepted for Poetry via email; 2/13 accepted for fiction via email
University of San Francisco-
USC- 2/25 rejection playwriting via snail mail; 2/21 accepted for poetry PHD; 3/3 accepted fiction via snail mail
University of Southern Miss.-
Utah- 2/8/08 poetry acceptance via phone
Vanderbilt- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Vermont College- 2/5/08 accepted Vermont College writing for children (lo-res) via phone; 2/18 accepted poetry via phone
Virginia Commonwealth University - 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Virginia Tech- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Warren Wilson College-
Washington (Seattle)-
Washington U (St. Louis)- 2/13 rejected - poetry - via snail mail; 2/15 accepted - fiction - via snail mail
Western Connecticut State-
Western Michigan- 2/21 accepted fiction via post; 2/25 rejected via snail mail
West Virginia- 2/13 accepted poetry
Wichita State- 2/20 accepted fiction via snail mail
Wilkes University
Wisconsin- Madison- FICTION- 2/25 rejection via website; 2/29 accepted via email; 3/1 waitlist via email
Wyoming- 2/27 accepted poetry via email
Yale (playwriting)-
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1268 Newer› Newest»True, but I have a feeling that most of the earlier times this year will be set back a week or so because the AWP conference was so early this year.
Most of the people in these programs went this year, and I guarantee they weren't reading applications for those four or five days!
I also received the "Cornell's Human Ecology Alumni and Development Department" email and I also haven't heard anything else from them regarding my app. Don't know what the email is about...I thought maybe they just emailed that event info to anyone in Chicago who could attend the event (I'm in Chicago). Are you in Chicago? Maybe that's it.
RE: wisconsin, there's this:
which I guess means they notified by Feb. 22nd. But that doesn't help us!
2/15/2008 accepted- New School Fiction Phone
PhD Anon 1:
Thank you! I have similar feelings about the program. I'm very excited and grateful to be in.
I haven't heard from anywhere else. Please let us know when you do. ((I feel slightly icky posting my acceptance, but I also want to know when other people are getting their calls.)
I chose FSU and USC because of their reputations and locations (close to family, close to friends, seem pleasant enough, etc.). Honestly, I know "nice location" is not the best reason to make these decisions but I am not necessarily a reasonable person.
What about you? You seem to have a pretty good spread. What is/will be your determining factor(s) in choosing a program?
bloody ice cream: i got my rejection from WA U today. boo. i had a feeling it was coming, but it's still pretty disappointing.
Has anyone heard from U-Mass Amherst? I know last year they notified by February 14.
I still haven't heard from Washington, did it come via snail mail?
Pensive - my Washington letter came by snail mail. i live in illinois.
Bethany - that sucks, i'm sorry.
I know a guy from WI who got in for fiction in 2006, he was notified by phone early February, 3d or 6th, I am sorry, I don’t remember exactly the date. But I do remember it was very early, before the usual dates when we start to check our cell phones every minute... And in 2006 they had about 200 applicants... I am sure they have much more this year! Damn, this waiting is exhausting! Lets come up with 100 funny reason why I don’t really want to get to particular school! Just to reverse the game. Lets call WI and tell them - “Please, do not even count on such brilliant writer as I am to be in your Program!”
For those interested, I bothered the secretary at IU via email yesterday and apparently not all of the admitted students have been notified.
dang - we're on page 2 now? i didn't realize comments went on to different pages - that really messed with my google desktop rss reader.
I can't help but wonder if admissions committee members ever peruse these blogs. What they must think when they see us squirming around like this...
Something tells me that you don’t need actually to read blogs like this one to imagine what exactly is going on here.. And people who have life (like those who have jobs at respectable MFA Programs with the voice to accept or reject ) - why the hell they would even bother to waiste their time reading it?
This sucks. There, I said it.
Rejected today from Washington University in St. Louis, by snail mail.
Anyone have information/data on Wisconsin-Milwaukee? That program doesn't seemed to be tracked on any of the blogs like this and Seth's.
I just posted the following: "Rejected today from Washington University in St. Louis, by snail mail," but forgot to say for fiction.
I just opend my rejection via snail mail from Washington at St. Louis. Sigh.
In fiction.
I am so glad I didn’t apply to this freaking University of Washington... I am going to send them e-mail “Please don’t even dream about such brilliant writer as I am “ - right now!
Rejected yesterday: Fiction from Purdue. Woof.
I'm just curious. I didn't apply to Washington U, but I haven't read of an acceptance received from them yet. Isn't it customary to accept and waitlist before issuing rejections? Is there, perhaps, a problem in that program? Or am I looking for something else to focus on rather than my own week or so left to wait (for Pitt -- I've given up on Penn State)?
Oh sorry-- Here's Madison and well, the rest of them if you want them. :)
Madison: 608
Iowa: 319
UCIrvine: 949
U of VA: 434
TX-Austin Michener: 512
Johns Hopkins: 410
U of MI: 734
U of FL: 352
Montana: 406
Brown: 401
UBC notified all of their applicants by email today. Lucky me, I got a rejection email. That application cost me 150 bones! Damn.
My guess is that it's a multi-tiered selection process. Maybe they narrowed it down to maybes, and sent out rejections to the rest. Maybe to keep people from getting their hopes up? It didn't work. :(
In the past Wash. U. has sent acceptances by mail, so I imagine they send acceptance and rejection letters all out at once.
I know, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but please spare me - r.p. those numbers in your post, what do they mean?
anonymous, they're area codes, in case we get The Calls. Ridiculous? Yes. But necessary? Oh so.
Different anonymous here --
Area codes? Phew -- somehow I thought that was the total number of applications received by each school and was trying to figure out who the heck did all that math...
For anyone interested, I live in UMass Amherst's area code, which is 413, and UNH is 603.
Jesus freaking Christ! R.P. I thought that were the numbers of applications they received this year! And even opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate that Iowa finally to become underrated!
accepted to New School for fiction by phone
Michigan doesn't call. She e-mails.
Anon who was accepted at NS- did they offer you a scholarship of any sort? Are you accepting?
How did Michigan get in the mix? Has someone heard already?
They (New School) did offer a departmental scholarship. I'm excited! Probably will go--love the writers there. I'm still waiting on two other places, though.
Anonymous accepted at New School,
When did you submit your application? From what I understand, they review according to submission dates. I submitted at the last minute.
Just wondering.
Somebody got accepted to Iowa non-fiction and Arizona State.....
Not me.
I think around Jan.7.
All this waiting is driving Lysergio to the point of referring to Lysergio in 3rd person. Lysergio is not down with the waiting game.
was the arizona state acceptance fiction, non-fic, or poetry? jus wondering.
hmmm... quiet day here in waiting purgatory...gatory...gatory...gatory.
is that an echo?
Iowa just emailed me. I'm in for nonfiction! I have been pacing up and down the street in front of my house in my slippers shaking and calling my recommenders to scream "thank you". I just can't believe it.
Anon accepted to NS- Do you mind sharing how much your scholarship was for? If you dont want to, thats fine! just very curious!
think positive thoughts.
like, Iowa is just taking their time and emailing individually their nonfiction people. they just want to craft the perfect, joyful email. that's the type of positive thought i'm trying to force myself to think.
Has anyone heard from U of Minnesota? On Seth's blog, it says last year someone was notified for fiction on Jan. 31. Ach.
Also, for the people who said Penn State received financial info from you, is that because you filled out the FAFSA? I still need to do that...
Annie - I just got the Iowa NWP email too! Are you thinking you'll end up there? Congrats!!
Because I'm obsessive (and now freaking out about Iowa's nonfiction...), would one of the people who were accepted care to elaborate?
As another poster stated, were these individualized emails, or a mass mailing? Give me some hope that my name simply comes later alphabetically :)
David - the email was individualized but sort of form lettery... My last name starts with D, if that helps.
Congrats to you to, JD! I haven't been able to wrap my head around getting accepted anywhere, and this is the first I've heard back either way from any of my 7 schools, so I just don't know what I will do. It's certainly up there on my list though. How about you? What other school are you waiting on? (And did Iowa mention anything to you about funding?)
We have hope, David. It is a Friday night, and if they are semi-individualizing the emails, i'm sure they aren't going to stay late to do so! it could be another week.
Keep hope! (I should take my own advice. Already fixed myself a screwdriver.)
Rejected for poetry by Washington University via snail mail. Awesome.
PhD Anon 1:
It seems most of my picks fall somewhere in the Sunbelt, with a few almost northerly exceptions (Utah, Denver, Nebraska). Binghamton, Albany, that school in one of the Dakotas—any place I had to buy a parka and moon boots was out. Living in Phoenix has made a soft sunny streak run up my back.
There are, however, so many considerations. Faculty, funding, etc. I must also consider whether the campus has affordable daycare, if teaching provides health benefits, if there are job opportunities for my spouse in the surrounding community. I’m sure in a month or so I’ll be creating some kind of intricate matrix in Excel to crunch the benefits of my schools. The right school, I realize, will be about more than writing—for better or worse.
Which school’s your top choice? Where did you do, if I may ask, your graduate degree? Having done my Master’s at a good, but less prominent school (Brigham Young University), I feel behind the pack. There’s always hope. Right?
Rejected from Washington University in Fiction via snail mail. Waiting on hopefully better responses from 11 more schools.
Re Minnesota: Charles Baxter has a brand new book out and my guess is he's touring to promote it. He was in Boston a couple days ago, anyway. That may be what the delay is.
I pray and hope that Mr. Baxter will return home safe and sound very soon and the first thing on his to do list is to send me an acceptance e-mail (I wanna get it quick! No snail mail please!)....
And if he won’t do this.. I am going to treat him to my royal letter “Your Program is so not having such a brilliant writer as I am!!!!”
Got into Washington U, fiction, 2/15, snail mail.
previous anon.,
what other schools did you apply to? do you think you'll be going to WashU?
Accepted New School for Fiction 2/15 PHONE
Hey, I'm the anonymous who got into Washington U. Enough of this anonymity! It's too confusing! To the anonymous who responded to my post, I applied to Ohio State, Michigan, Wisconsin-Madison, Minnesota, Bowling Green, New Hampshire, Iowa, Virginia, and UNC-Greensboro. I got into OSU and Washington U, but not heard from anyone else yet. I don't know if I'll go to Washington. I actually don't know much about the program--a lot depends on how likely it seems that my husband can find a job, and I applied to Washington because St. Louis might have some possibilities for him. Wisconsin, Virginia, and Minnesota are my top choices right now, but I'm not counting on any of them! Does anyone here know much about Wash U? It seems like a cool program but I haven't actually heard about anyone's personal experiences there.
sam in des moines,
I'm certainly not an authority on the program (Wash U), but a visiting writer told me that the program and work produced there seemed very "cerebral." If you enjoy that sort of poetry, go for it. Also, Wash U as a university is ranked very high nationally, and the program is obviously moving in the ranks.
Annie - the Iowa NWP email I got said they're deciding about funding in the next 'several weeks'... they must know how much I love to wait, those sweethearts.
As for my other schools: so far I'm in at Memphis and West Virginia. Waiting on UNCW, Arizona and Minnesota (all for NF). What about you? It's sometimes hard to get a sense of where other non-fictioneers are looking...
from a fortune cookie at lunch:
"A cheerful letter or message is on its way to you."
let's hope!
I am waiting on
UCR -were I currently attend
St. Marys
Its literally killing me I wish I applied to more but I didnt have time to take a GRE cause I was studing in Prague all summer so I had to cut alot of places from my list. I have no idea what my chances are and im scared out of my mind. And I thought the application part was nerve racking, waiting is worse.
Hi Lauren,
Is UCR University of California Riverside? I know Chris Abani teaches there, and he's just an awesome writer--one of my favorites. Good luck!
rejected: cornell, fiction, snail mail. postmarked the 14th. hang in there though, right? 1 down, 11 to go.
Washington U at St. Louis-Rejection 2/15 in fiction
It's my first. Rejection sucks.
I'm still waiting to hear back from:
U of Kansas
U of Arkansas
Wichita State
I have a question, though. And I know it is probably pretty stupid. Does anyone know which low res mfa's offer the most funding? So far, my searches haven't revealed much, except the fact that they are all expensive.
I forgot to add that the rejection from Wash U. was via mail.
Joining the club:
WashU - denied, fiction, post, 2/16
Texas Tech has spoken: rejected 2/16 post, fiction/PhD
Yes UCR is University of California Riverside. Albani is here, I have never had him because Creative Writing is only my minor but I have heard he is good. We also have alot of other great professors such as Susan Straight and Michael Jayme- and tons of visiting professors they dont even mention. At first I didnt really think I wanted to stay here but in the last year I got excited about their program.
Could somebody post the new link to the Speakeasy? I found it earlier today but now I just keep coming up with the broken site. Thanks. . . .;do=forum_view_collapsed;
chatham acceptance on 2/15 via post
I got my first rejection letter--from Cornell (fiction)--in the mail today. I am surprisingly less disappointed than I thought I would be. I wasn't very enthralled by the idea of living in Ithaca. I'm still waiting on Michigan, Iowa, Austin, UVA, Irvine, and Wisconsin.
M. Douglas--actually, I got in for fiction--I wonder if the cerebral thing is true of the fiction program, too. That's not really my thing-I don't dislike a cerebral element, but there has to be an overwhelming emotional pulse.
JD, I am waiting on UNCW, Hunter, New School, Sarah Lawrence, Montana, and Hollins, all for CNF. No idea if I will get into any of them, a small part of me almost hopes I don't so that I won't be forced to choose...
Maybe I'll see you at Iowa next year?
I too received a Cornell rejection via snail mail yesterday. I am not crushed... I definitely expected it, since they made acceptance calls last week. But I wish the first news I heard wasn't bad news. Perhaps this week will bring good news.
just got accepted to University of Alabama via phone (2/17/08)
Congrats Maureen. It's good to know calls go out on a Sunday! Here's to more good news for all of us this coming week.
thanks anonymous- forgot to say, for poetry
congrats, maureen! What genre?
Am I the only one who was heard absolutely NOTHING? I would almost like to get a rejection letter at this point, just so I know that something is happening...
Don't worry. Most schools have yet to notify. I haven't heard a thing, and I know most people haven't. Stay positive--all will be well, no matter what comes of this.
spillingink- you aren't alone! I haven't heard a peep. It is still early!
Did anyone receive an acceptance call for fiction at Alabama? I'm waiting to hear from them.
Oh, I forgot to say congrats to Maureen, too! I'm really hoping for Alabama to be a yes.
Maureen - I also just got accepted to Alabama for poetry. Feel free to e-mail me at:
Maureen and Danielle, who called you from Alabama to let you know the good news?
I don't know a great deal about the WashU program (esp. fiction; seems like poetry is their "thing"), but I know a couple of people who did undergrad there. It's got good rankings. I don't know what that says about the writing program. I've heard the "cerebral" thing too. The place seems to be talked up a little above its actual performance maybe, or at least has that reputation. Wouldn't be my top choice I don't think, for fiction anyway.
I got accepted to the New England College low-res program, poetry, via email. Feruary 13, 2008
Still waiting on: Washington (Seattle), Idaho, California Riverside and yes, the legendary Iowa.
Oregon misfiled my transcripts or USPS lost them and now I have an incomplete app:"(
Good luck everyone! Anyone ging to New England?
On Saturday afternoon, after a long afternoon away from the house trying to focus on ANYTHING but MFA notifications, I pulled up to the mailbox. Waiting was a large, 8.5x11 envelope from Oregon's Office of Admissions. I tore it open, only to find housing information and a confirmation that my application was complete.
Really...? I know some people got these, but I swear this was weeks ago. (sigh) Has this process brought me to this? I think so... =)
Are schools even open today?
Only 2 out of my 10 schools are closed today.
Wow, are we really so far gone that we are calling out programs to find out if they are open today?
UNCW, Iowa, and Alabama are open today, FYI.
Actually, you don't have to call the school. I just looked on their websites and at their academic calendars. Still a desperate act, I know.
A heads up: people on Seth's blog just heard from U MASS for poetry, via telephone.
Does anyone know if poetry & fiction departments of a program notify at the same time/period of time? I'm waiting for fiction Umass-Amherst. Thanks..this, despite the madness, is so exciting! :)
PhD Anon:
I did my MFA at Vermont College, which I loved, but b/c it's low-residency I did not have a chance to teach there really. And I don't have my master's. So, there, I'm behind the pack too. I wonder, for the PhD, how many applicants have MAs and how many have MFAs (does anyone get both anymore?). I imagine it must be a pretty diverse crowd.
In any case, good luck to you! It does sound like you have a tangle of practical concerns. But you'll have an extra income to supplement your PhD funding. I, on the other hand, will be living alone in a heatless hovel, developing diabetes from my diet of Ramen noodles and 2.5% ABV beer.
Well, hopefully not, but I'm preparing for the worst. ;)
Congrats to the Amherst poets - my phone has sadly been silent, though, so I'm pretty crushed. It's among my top choices. Thinking about calling the program to see if all acceptance offers have already gone out, but the thought of a "yes" answer is just too depressing. Right now that tiny, pathetic bit of hope is the only thing I've got going in this whole mess...
That "Congrats" really is genuine - despite my mopey comments that followed!
Congrats, Amherst people!
And if anyone gets any further news about whether Amherst has finished notifying people, please share! In any case, there's still hope for the waitlist! I'm guessing that the poets good enough to get into Amherst also applied to Iowa, Cornell, etc -- and deciding where to go between any of the top schools would be a tough call. Spots could still open up! Let's not all get prematurely depressed. :)
This is great! I have applied to Yale, Juilliard, NYU, and Brown (although the whole reason I applied to Brown is now at Yale...). I am extremely anxious to hear.
Rejected by Purdue Feb. 16 via snail mail. Accepted by Iowa Writer's Workshop today, Feb. 18, via phone. Thank you, Jesus.
Anonymous,RE:Iowa—what genre?
Accepted to Minnesota State Moorhead for poetry by email.
Sorry, Godfrey. Accepted to Iowa - Fiction.
Hey everyone! Saw there were some posts for acceptances to the New School. I was accepted for Fiction... if anyone wants to discuss, please contact me at:
Look forward to talking!
Woops! New to the whole google account thing! The email is:
I was accepted to Lesley (low res) for writing for children on 2/15/08 by phone.
Fitting I should hopelessly anticipate word from Arizona or Arizona State as the wind gusts to 45 mph and the wind chill dips to -40 degrees. Still 0 for 5 on responses, but elated to see people are getting accepted. I would like to congratulate everyone. As peers, we must appreciate that few will understand what an accomplishment it is in itself to get admitted.
To think, that's just the beginning.
Hey people accepted to Iowa for Fiction and Poetry, last year we started a blog to get to know one another before hand and try and get some questions answered by current students.
The site is here:
Welcome to Iowa!
To answer an earlier comment....MFA profs do check out these blogs. Programs are all competing to get good students and the blogs are the best way to see what the competition is doing.
So.....if you post comments about which school is your top choice or last choice or you don't really want to go there anyway, assume that the program profs may be reading!
According to the speakeasy forum, and Seth Abramson's blog, a few folks have been admitted into Michigan for Poetry, via email today.
Where are the notifications for Fiction folks? Wonder whether it's customary for poets to get notified first? Sigh.
Well, in looking at many of the dates from last year, it seems that poetry applicants are often notified a few days before fiction. I could be wrong though. Maybe it's just wishful thinking because I applied to Michigan for fiction and haven't heard a peep.
Well there ya go. Someone on Seth's blog just said they were accepted by email to Michigan for Fiction. Sigh.
does anyone (around) know how many apps greensboro gets for fiction? alabama?
just wondering if i should start smoking again...
and to everyone who's been accepted: congratulations, you've earned it. it has made my heart happening imagining all of these faceless people receiving THAT phone call and skipping up and down the street and calling their parents/friends/lovers with tears stuck in their throats.
Echoing sighs@ Michigan. Oh well.
Damn! I didn’t get that coveted e-mail from Michigan. I guess it would be smart at this point to strike it out from my list of possible places to live for the next two years.. In my dreams I was so close... And it’s the first school to notify from the list of those schools where I have applied. Next couple weeks gonna suck.:((
For those who have been blessed enough to get the Michigan email...we all want to know: how was it worded generally? Was it personalized? From the director? One of the noted writers on the faculty? What was in the heading, "Congratulations!"? So cool!
Waitlisted in fiction at Michigan. By e-mail. Just now.
I know they have rolling admissions, but I got a phone call today accepting me to Goddard for poetry.
Accepted at Michigan, Fiction, by email titled "UofM MFA Offer Letter".
According to the blogs, Iowa notified for fiction on 2/18. Don't they take about 25 people in fiction alone? If so, why haven't we heard more about that akin to the chatter about Michigan today? My inbox was sadly empty today, but congrats to everyone in at Michigan!!
my guess is that perhaps people accepted to these programs have more drinking and celebrating to do than blogging :)
hopefully we'll be there soon...
I was accepted to Temple's M.A. in Creative Writing on Friday the 15. Snail mail to my permanent/mother's address. I am totally thrilled though, love the faculty there.
Anyone know how many people are accepted to Brown and UMass Amherst for fiction? Just curious I know the number for the other places i am applying to but not those two.
Lauren: you can get a lot of those numbers on seth abramson's blog. here are rough acceptance rates. it looks like brown makes around 15 total offers and amherst makes 20. i'm guessing that typically a little less than half those are fiction.
don't look to hard at those acceptance rates -- they're mighty depressing.
Brown accepts 5 fiction writers, according to their website. I've been thinking a lot about that tiny number recently ... and the similarly tiny numbers accepted by other schools.
Hey Anonymous--I just found out I was wait listed for fiction at U. Michigan, too! Cheers!
For those of you (like myself) that have not yet been accepted, I took this from a post on the speakeasy. It helped put things in perspective for me.
"I've lurked on this forum at the same time every year for a few years now, and thought I would render this bout of insomnia slightly useful.
I started publishing poetry in undergrad, and I've placed work in competitive journals like The Iowa Review, Carolina Quarterly, Georgia Review, etc. The improbability of being plucked from the slush pile at publications like these corresponds quite tightly with the huge amount of work I put into the poems. I've received a few fellowships and awards, too.
I have not been accepted to or wait-listed by a single MFA program I have applied to, in two rounds of applications. I would sometimes receive an acceptance letter for a poem at a journal edited by the people who sent me the rejection letter for the MFA program. These letters arrived on the same day three different times.
While a few lofty publications certainly doesn't preclude the superior work of other students, it isn't very likely that my poems would find their way into those publications but not earn me a spot at an institution ostensibly devoted to teaching writers how to write well enough to have material placed in such places if other things than the writing weren't a factor. I'm unaware of other writers who had encountered similarly frustrating obstacles in academics but enjoyed fair success in a much more competitive arena. If anyone has anecdotes of such trouble, please share.
I admit that not getting in hurt very badly. It took away the held-dearly notion that my hard work generated a product which made that toil worthwhile. It was six months after the first set of rejections before I started writing seriously again. I haven't written anything at all since the second set, and that was two years ago. I still wish I had been able to go to school.
Thanks for this forum, its great support for those who need it."
damn it, UNH just tell us already!
I can give some insight into Western Michigan for those of you that are interested. I had an issue with one of my transcripts and called the program. They let slip that they were planning on sending out responses around March 1st. I thought it would sooner than that based on last year, but that's what I was told.
Pensive495 - I found that excerpt from the speakeasy very interesting, but admit that I am not sure what the speakeasy is. Can you post a link to it? It sounds like a great forum.
As for me, I only applied to two programs in New York City for nonfiction, and I am anxiously awaiting word from both. Thanks to everyone for generously sharing their info thus far!
And click on MFA. When you do, it will take you to a screen for registration. Once you're a member of the forum, the two threads that seem the most helpful are "I'm In!" and "The Waiting Game: Have you heard yet?". I believe there is also one for CNF if that's your genre.
That speakeasy extracted sob story didn't make me feel better. BUT it did prompt me to want to share something I heard when I visited UNCW. This may make others waiting on Wilmington feel better. I met with one of the profs and asked him what they look for in the writing sample. He said that they don't look for perfection. They don't expect things to be finished or polished. If you are readily getting published then you don't need them. They are looking for really strong writing that has a lot of potential, but isn't necessarily "there" yet. I'm not sure if this is a common attitude or not, but it made me feel warm when he told me.
I don't think programs mind taking applicants who are published and have polished material. But if such an applicant exudes a confidence in that their work was published in x y and z, well then, what can they learn? Applicants, especially those published, need to express that they want to learn, and that they take criticsm well. No one wants a workshop peer who a. submits polished material and b. says, "Well this was published, so there."
I should probably clarify. When I posted that quote from the speakeasy earlier, I meant that my perspective on rejections had changed for the better. When I saw that he'd been accepted to multiple prestigous journals, but had been rejected from schools for two rounds, it made me feel better about my own rejections. That if I were to miss out on the MFA this year, it doesn't mean I'm a poor writer. Sorry if people got the wrong idea, I should have been clearer.
Just off the phone with University of Wisconsin-Madison, because there was a possible missing transcript. The woman I spoke with was really helpful, and offered the following: The committee is expecting to make some decisions by the 29th of February, but she wasn't entirely sure if that was the date they have set to narrow the 370 applications down to 30, or if they've already done that and the 29th is when they will be making final decisions. Either way, it's getting close around there, and shouldn't be more than a couple weeks before applicants to their program start hearing something.
thanks for that information
Recently accepted at New Mexico State for poetry. Anybody know anything about the program?
I'm in today at Illinois (UIUC) for fiction via email.
Congrats and sigh... on U of IL ;) That's 4 schools (UIUC, UMich, UMass, UIndiana) I applied to that have already notified on acceptances. Holding out hope for late notification or some good news from the other 6!
i'm waiting on some of those others too. i really don't think things are over till we're got letters saying otherwise, though.
to anonymous accepted to New Mexico State- I was also accepted in Poetry and am seriously considering going there. I don't know THAT much about the program, but it seems pretty intensive and fairly well-respected. And I hear Las Cruces has a low cost of living and beautiful weather. Anyone else have info re: NMSU?
accepted to Rutgers-Newark by email 2/20
It looks like NMSU upped their TA stipend, but you still have to pay tuition. So, in terms of funding, that's a little rough. I'm sure there are ways of avoiding tuition, however, but that's all I know. I know the program is moving up in rankings. Good luck!
2/19: Accepted to Emerson in poetry (By mail).
This waiting is messing both with my head and with my estimation of my writing abilities. With some Iowa acceptances rolling out, I'm even more on edge. I keep checking my Iowa profile page to see if the admission decision has changed from "in progress." At this point, it would almost be a relief to see "rejected" in its place. Then I wouldn't have to check that damn website every day.
Riddlefish, do you really have to say this? Now I started checking my Iowa profile too. Why don't we all just chill out and wait for the goddamn letters to come in? I am checking this forum five times per day, this is very unproductive. Maybe we should sit down and wtite instead, or exchange some fruitful ideas instead of freaking out:))) Cheer up! I hope we meet in Iowa some day. Oh, and I am poet by the way, and I am only 21!:PP And I am from Bulgaria!
Anonymous Emerson poster: I was accepted there a little while ago myself. I'd love to email and "discuss." My email is acertainslantoflight at hotmail dot com!
Got into U MASS Amherst just now, by phone! For fiction!
hi everyone,
does anyone know anything about oregon? i'm on a mission to discover what this:
"I began receiving acceptances/rejections last week. I'd known about my admission to UBC awhile back but their official emails went out the 15th. UGuelph around that time too. Also, Oregon."
...means. "also, oregon." is that an acceptance? if you're out there, please enlighten us... and if it was an acceptance, of course, congratulations.
Congrats on UMass!
...I thought they had notified all acceptances. So, I guess we really shouldn't count ourselves out until we get a solid rejection.
well they tried calling last night but I was...eating a pickle. I panicked last night, don't worry
2/8/08 - accepted - U. Memphis - Fiction via phone
2/20/08 - accepted - U South Carolina - fiction via email
Ashley, who e-mailed you from the University of South Carolina? It's my alma mater, and I applied there, too. I haven't heard anything yet, but congratulations to you!
Congrats on South Carolina!
I got an interview at Bard (shortlisted)! Via email! 2/21! Their program is not genre specific. Short fiction, poetry, and mixed media writing is generally produced there.
in for poetry at u-mass! notified by phone on monday evening. caught me totally off guard.
any other poets here get in, too?
For those who've applied to creative writing PhD programs in fiction, I thought I'd create a blog so we could share information. Follow this link:
Actually haven't read through many of these comments, so I apologize if this has been covered (300+ comments a little overwhelming)... I was wondering if anyone else is getting emails from UNCW updating them of their "complete" status every week or so?
I also got a rejection from Washington U- St. Louis. They rejected me last year, so I have a psychic feeling about rejection letters. I just threw it in with the junk mail and went on a three-mile run. It was three days before I opened it, and saw, rejected...awesome.
Not to sound like a haggard old vet, but I went through this last year and got accepted to a few good schools, but they didn't offer funding so I didn't end up going. Who wants to get out of school with massive debt? That's not a future I'm going to set myself (or my future Brad Pitt look-alike stunt double husband) for. (A look-alike stunt double I have not met, but one must be prepared.)
Not that you asked, but I went half crazy reading these blogs last year. If you haven't gone to the dark side yet, try to blow it off. You may think I'm giving you bitchy, non-camaraderie advice and that's truly not my intention. I'm just saying, you might not know anything until late March from some of these places. (Seriously!) So why not punch out the pages and get some writing done, or take up kickboxing, or learn how to sign language to your gay dog (yes, my boy dog is gay if your gay dog is feeling socially awkward.) Or do none of the above...but ultimately the acceptance or rejection is out of your control, so try not to let this process take control over your life.
Hate me now? That's cool. Wherever we end up: You, me and my gay dog will be best of friends in the fall.
And besides, I never check this thing anyhow.
Have any University of Illinois at Chicago applicants (PhD) checked their online status? Mine still says Decision: Pending Review Req.
hey all,
i heard from umass-amherst (accepted. fiction) on feb 20 by phone. i'm psyched. haven't heard from sf state. has anyone? also, i'm curious: has anyone heard about teaching yet from umass?
best of luck to you all!
-yet another anonymous
hey anonymous,
i got a call about an hour ago from u-mass to set up a TA interview. hopefully you'll get one today as well!
I got a phone call this morning at 9:30 PST from Samantha Chang..I was accepted in fiction ...hooray!
congrats to the iowa acceptance! you didn't happen to ask about the rest of us, did you?
re:umass, i got an taship interview email today. i'm excited, but a little unclear about how the funding works there.
did you other umass acceptees fill out your ta app with your regular application?
Hi - I got a phone call from USC yesterday (2/20) ... accepted into their PhD program for Literature & Creative Writing! (I applied in poetry.) Super excited & relieved now ... good luck to everyone!
yep, i filled out a TA application along with my main u-mass application.
i don't know exactly how funding works, but i know that they try to provide a lot of students with TAships... at least that's my understanding.
hey traffic jam & other anon,
thanks for writing back!
i got the umass writing program phone call today too, although it went to voicemail so i don't know much more. but i was relieved to get the call! i guess they're setting up interviews? that sounds pretty good.
i have a pal who started at umass without a TAship but got teaching in another department. in those cases, i'm told, umass waives tuition, so there are options even if one doesn't get a TAship.
what i'm curious about is how the TAships are doled out: are they used to attract the most desired candidates?, are they awarded based on experience/strength of application?, is it first-come, first-served?, etc.
anyone know?
over and out,
anonymous: I got in to U Mass for fiction as well but didn't fill out that TA form because I ran out of time before the deadline, and it was so ridiculously long. Your pal, how'd he go about getting that other teaching job?
After talking to Samantha Chang and some other Iowa people, I'm sure that the acceptances are about to be mailed...just because you didn't get a phone call does not mean you didn't get into Iowa! They only called a few people re: fellowships, etc. Take heart!
Rejected by University of Illinois at Chicago (PhD fiction), 2/22, on website.
Thank you for the words of encouragement about Iowa! They were much needed and greatly appreciated. Your post was refreshing this Saturday morning after a teeter-totter week of anxiety and disheartenment.
Thanks again,
Are there any folks out there who applied to the University of Georgia's MFA fiction program, or am I the only one?
I applied to UGA's program as well, in fiction. I haven't heard a thing from them yet -- you?
In at IOWA! Just got the call from James Galvin!!! Poetry.
Anonymous UGA MFA applicant,
No, I haven't heard anything. I'm just glad to know that there are others out there, waiting on UGA. I was beginning to wonder if I was alone.
Thanks for letting me know,
In at American for first response and I'm relieved it was a positive one!!!
I just received a rejection letter from Western Michigan University. I think I'm gonna make a paper mache middle finger out of all of my rejection letters. Sigh.
Hi blarring,
Someone just posted on the speakeasy that they were accepted to Georgia by mail, for poetry, today. Just thought I'd let you know in case you hadn't seen. I've still got my fingers crossed.
Dear Pensive,
I'm sorry about the rejection. positive offers could be coming your way, hang in there. After all, it's only February, still early in the game. Chin up.
I received an acceptance e-mail from the University of South Carolina today for fiction.
2/14/08 - rejected by South Florida in poetry via snail mail, and again on 2/22/08 via email
Sorry about the rejection Thelma redshorts...but really awesome handle:)
not trying to be in your business, but would you mind saying if they offered you funding...I, too, applied to univ. of s.c. and am hoping I'm not a rejectee
Anon who heard from American--Congratulations! How did you hear? Thanks!
Well, it's not on the list, but I'm in at Carlow (low-res). I heard from the director of the program about 12 days ago, but I just got the official letter today.
My bad: the above (Carlow) is for CNF.
it's the girl who heard from American. I got a regular letter in the mail. I actually was shocked it was an acceptance because it was a small envelope but it came with a letter and a form I have to fill out by march 1st saying I temporarily agree to go there or they'll give my spot away. It just goes to show that this process is hella unpredictable.
ps. I like the idea of making rejection letters into arts and crafts's clever and a nice way to recycle
For those that were accepted to UNCW by email - have you received your official acceptance letter through postal mail yet? I am reading that a lot of people receive their official acceptance via snail mail shortly after their phone/email acceptances, so I'm wondering what the deal is...
Rambler, University of South Carolina offered me a Graduate Instructional Assistantship and a tuition cut. I hope you hear from them soon, too!
02/24/08 accepted to Iowa, poetry - via telephone.
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