Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are WE there yet?

As of March 14, this blog will no longer be updated. Visit seth abramson's data bank of application response times. The comments will remain open for the exchange of information and encouragement.

In 2007, the 2007 MFA Acceptances blog (thanks Lindsey!) was a great resource for nervous MFA hopefuls. So I've decided to start a similar site for (no less nervous!) 2008 applicants. If you've heard news from any of these schools (or heard from a school not on this list), comment below to let us know and I'll update this master list. Please let us know WHAT you heard (accepted, rejected, waitlisted), WHEN you heard (the date-- be as exact as possible), and HOW you heard (phone, email, post), and to which genre you applied (Fiction, poetry, screenwriting, etc). If you'd prefer not to comment, feel free to email me. Congrats and good luck to everyone!

2008 MFA/MA Creative Writing Programs

Alabama- 2/17 accepted poetry via phone; 2/25 rejected fiction via snail mail
Alaska (Anchorage)-
Alaska (Fairbanks)-
American University- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone; 3/6 accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Arkansas -2/27 accepted poetry via phone
Arizona State- 2/15 accepted poetry via phone
Baltimore- 3/3 accepted fiction/nonfiction via email
Bennington College-
Boise State- 1/25 accepted poetry via phone
Boston U-
Bowling Green (OH)-
Brooklyn College- accepted fiction via phone
Cal Arts- 3/8 accepted (genre?) via phone
California College of the Arts- 2/29 accepted via phone (genre?)
Cal State (Fresno)-
Cal State (Long Beach)-
Central Florida - 2/15 accepted fiction via email
Chatham College- 1/24 acceptance creative nonfiction snailmail; 1/28/08 accepted - creative writing - via snail mail; 2/15 fiction acceptance via snail mail
City College of NY-
CUNY/Hunter- 2/22 CUNY Hunter rejected via snail mail (Fiction)
Cleveland State-
Colorado- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
Colorado State-
Columbia - 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/6 accepted nonfiction via phone; 3/8 accepted poetry via phone
Columbia College (Chicago)-
Cornell- 2/8 accepted poetry via phone; 2/8 accepted fiction via phone; 2/14 rejected fiction via snail mail
Depaul- 3/1 denial letter via snail mail
Eastern Michigan-
Eastern Washington- 2/10 accepted creative nonfiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
Emerson- 2/9 accepted poetry via mail
Farleigh Dickinson-
Florida- 2/24 accepted poetry via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email
Florida International-
Florida State- 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
George Mason- 1/26 accepted fiction via email
Georgia- 3/1, rejected, PhD fiction, snail mail, letter postmarked 2/27
Georgia State-2/23 accepted poetry via mail
Goddard College-
Goucher College-
Guelph University-
Hollins- 3/3/08 accepted poetry via email; 3/3 accepted nonfiction via email
Idaho- 3/1 accepted poetry via phone
Illinois (Chicago) -
Illinois (UIUC)- 2/20 accepted fiction via email
Indiana- 1/25 accepted fiction via phone; 3/1 waitlist fiction via phone
Iowa- 2/15 accepted nonfiction via email; 2/18 accepted fiction via phone
Iowa State-
Johns Hopkins- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Lesley- 2/15/08 accepted (low-res) writing for children by phone; 3/3 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted poetry via phone
Louisiana State-
Maryland- postmarked 2/28 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/1 accepted fiction via snail mail; 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
McNeese State- 1/17 accepted fiction via email; waitlist fiction via email; rejected fiction via email
Memphis-2/8/08 accepted creative nonfiction via phone & email
Michigan- 2/19 accepted poetry via email; 2/19 accepted fiction via email
Miami (University of, FL)-
Mills College- 3/8 accepted fiction via snail mail
Minnesota- 3/3 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Moorehead)- 2/18 accepted poetry via email
Minnesota State (Mankato) - 3/1/08 Accepted for CNF via Snail Mail
Mississippi (Ole Miss)-
Missouri (Columbia)- 2/13 accepted poetry by phone; 2/13 accepted fiction by phone
Missouri (St. Louis)-
Montana- 3/7 accepted poetry via phone; 3/7 accepted creative non fiction via phone
Murray State-
Nevada (LV)-
New England College- accepted poetry via phone
New Hampshire- 3/5 accepted fiction via phone; 3/5 accepted nonfiction via phone
New Mexico State- 2/14 accepted poetry via phone
New School- 2/15 accepted fiction phone
New York University-
North Carolina State-
Northern Michigan-
North Texas-
Notre Dame- 2/20 accepted prose via phone
Ohio State- 1/25/08 accepted fiction via phone; 2/7/08 waitlisted poetry via email
Old Dominion-
Oregon State- 3/6 accepted fiction via email
Pacific Lutheran-
Pacific University- 3/3 accepted poetry via snail mail
Penn State- 2/8/08 accepted - Penn State Creative Nonfiction - via email
Pine Manor- 12/24/07 accepted- low res. mfa creative writing / writing for children and young adults - via snail mail
Pittsburgh- 2/26 accepted non fiction via email; 2/29 accepted fiction via snail mail
Portland State-
Purdue- 1/31/08 accepted - poetry - via email;2/14 fiction rejection via snail mail
2/7/08 accepted- fiction via phone; accepted creative nonfiction via snail mail
Queens University- 2/10 accepted - fiction - via phone
Rutgers- 2/19 accepted fiction via phone
San Diego State-
San Francisco State-
San Jose State-
Sarah Lawrence-
School of the Art Institute School (Chicago)-
Seattle Pacific-
Seton Hill-
Sonoma State-
South Carolina-
South Florida- 2/12 accepted via email; 2/14 & 2/28 rejected via snail mail and email
Southern Illinois (Carbondale)- 2/27 accepted via snail mail
Southern Maine-
Southwest Texas State-
Spalding- 1/6/08 accepted - low res mfa writing for children and young adults -via telephone
St. Mary's-
Stanford (Stegner Fellowship)-
Stonecoast - 2/12 accepted via phone
Syracuse- 2/8/08 accepted - poetry - by phone; 3/4 accepted fiction by phone
Tennessee (Knoxville) -
Texas-Austin Michener Center- 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Texas (El Paso)- 3/4 accepted fiction and nonfiction via email
Texas State (San Marcos)-3/4 accepted poetry and fiction via email
Texas Tech- 2/16 rejected PhD Fiction by postal mail
UC-Davis- 3/2 accepted fiction via phone; 3/3 accepted poetry via phone
UC Irvine-
UC Riverside-
U of Hawaii-
UCSD (playwriting)-
UMass (Amherst)- 2/18 accepted for poetry via phone; 2/20 accepted fiction via phone
UMass (Boston)- 3/4 accepted poetry via emali; 3/5 accepted fiction via email
University of Memphis-
University of New Mexico-
University of New Orleans-
UNC Greensboro-
UNC Wilmington- 2/13 accepted for Poetry via email; 2/13 accepted for fiction via email
University of San Francisco-
USC- 2/25 rejection playwriting via snail mail; 2/21 accepted for poetry PHD; 3/3 accepted fiction via snail mail
University of Southern Miss.-
Utah- 2/8/08 poetry acceptance via phone
Vanderbilt- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Vermont College- 2/5/08 accepted Vermont College writing for children (lo-res) via phone; 2/18 accepted poetry via phone
Virginia Commonwealth University - 3/5 accepted poetry via email
Virginia Tech- 2/29 accepted poetry via email
Warren Wilson College-
Washington (Seattle)-
Washington U (St. Louis)- 2/13 rejected - poetry - via snail mail; 2/15 accepted - fiction - via snail mail
Western Connecticut State-
Western Michigan- 2/21 accepted fiction via post; 2/25 rejected via snail mail
West Virginia- 2/13 accepted poetry
Wichita State- 2/20 accepted fiction via snail mail
Wilkes University
Wisconsin- Madison- FICTION- 2/25 rejection via website; 2/29 accepted via email; 3/1 waitlist via email
Wyoming- 2/27 accepted poetry via email
Yale (playwriting)-


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Danielle Wheeler said...

Happy Monday. Let's buckle in for another week, and continue to think positively!

Lauren Cummings said...

I was just thinking that another week of waiting...

MrKSB said...

is anyone still waiting on a letter from wash u in st. louis?

i still haven't heard anything from them, and it seems like all letters went out last week.

Anonymous said...

Wisconsin refusals are up at their website....

Anonymous said...

Where does Wisconsin list "admissions status"? I only see that my application is complete...??

bethany said...

rejection: Western Mich via. snail mail (Poetry)

Anonymous said...

If you go to Wisconsin-Madison's MFA web page, there's a letter posted from the Program Director that outlines their process for the whole next few weeks. Letters of refusal went out on Friday and they're also working on posting that refusal status on individual Gradapply accounts through this week. So if you don't hear anything via mail and if your status doesn't change by the end of this week, you can still consider yourself in the running. But go to their website to read the letter for a better sense of what's going on.

Needless to say, I'm checking the Wisc. Gradapply obsessively every five seconds and cannot stop thinking about the hour of 3pm, when our mail carrier comes by. My hands are getting shaky, just thinking about that little refusal letter being on its way to my mail box. Yikes!

Good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting at my desk at work and my cell phone is tucked into my pocket, set to vibrate.

It buzzed.
My heart lept.
It was my dad.
My heart dropped back down.

Yep, feels like Monday.

Anonymous said...

Here's this: U of MN is my biggest hope (poetry), and I also went there as an undergrad. And you know what time of year it is... yes, the alumni association called, but caller id said "Univ of Minnesota." Heart leaping, flopping all around. Back to finger-crossing.

Anonymous said...

2/22 CUNY Hunter rejected via snail mail (Fiction)

Anonymous said...

Its said on Wisconsin site that they update it only once a day.. So, I don’t think checking it every five minutes would do someone any good. :)))) I guess we are safe till tomorrow IF the postmen won’t say otherwise:)

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Wisconsin's GradApply is more on top of things than I thought they would be.

"Refusal" (instead of rejection) via website on 2/25.

Oh, sad. :(

Anonymous said...

I am worried that my Wisconsin didn’t change.. At least some closure... Now I will start to hope.. :(

Molly said...

Acceptance #3 this afternoon by a phone call: Vermont College.

So that's Emerson, Goddard, and Vermont.

Anyone else with any of these three?

Dawn Buthorn said...

Molly-I'm going to vermont college. what did you apply for? I'm going for writing for children.

A.Anonymous said...

For those who have applied to Wisconsin: Has anyone had their gradapply status changed? If so, where does it appear?

Molly said...

Whoops! I'm in for poetry. :)

Did you apply anywhere besides Vermont? How did you decide on this one over others?

Anonymous said...

It's kind of hard to see. Just one line in bold. Beneath the line about application complete .

Anonymous said...

Re: Wisconsin
Mine still says : “Your application has been received and is under review. Please refer to this page for updates.”

Anonymous said...

So, a little bird told me that last year, their UMass-Amherst online status changed from "applied" to "pending" as they received a rejection. Has this happened for anybody yet? I want to still have hope for the waitlist...

Anonymous said...

I broke down and just called UMASS. The graduate admissions office said that some decisions had been processed but not all. They said to call the department, so I did. The woman there said that some acceptances had gone out, but that not all contacts had been made. She said that a bunch of letters would go out tomorrow. I'm not sure if they have to send that through the admissions office, but in any case it's likely that people could start seeing letters from UMASS by Wednesday.

Lindsey said...

For Wisconsin, Mine says refused. If yours says that it's pending or under review still then there's a shot your work is either still being considered or that they're in the process of updating yours to refused as well...check out the main mfa wisconsin site for a letter concerning this matter:

good luck everyone!

Danielle Wheeler said...

Just received my first rejection-
Alabama, for fiction, by mail.

roderick mcclain said...

refused as wisconsin

better than having to risk paper cuts opening an envelope

Lauren Cummings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lauren Cummings said...

Hey Anonymous,
Were online for Umass are you looking? If you dont mind me asking, i didnt know there was an online way to view our status. Thats interesting to hear though cause like I thought all the phone calls had been made.

Drives me crazy though, cause i pritty much wrote them off

Anonymous said...

All I can see on Wisconsin's website is what has been there forever: "Application is ready for committee."

Am I looking in the wrong spot? Anyone? Bueller?

Anonymous said...

Lauren, here's the link for UMASS Amherst:
They should've sent you a letter with your logon and password within a few weeks of receiving your application.

Anonymous said...

RE: Wisconsin
Are you guys checking this website for your status?

Lauren Cummings said...

thanks I acutally saw it right after I wrote that note.
Will have to wait till I get home and dig out that card.

Anonymous said...

refusal at wisconsin just a minute ago. best of luck to those of you still waiting!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Georgia State?

Molly said...

Another acceptance today: New England College, by phone, poetry.

Dawn Buthorn said...

re: molly
I applied to pine manor, spalding, lesley, vermont, and hamline. I got in to all (haven't actually heard from hamline yet). I debated mainly between lesley and vermont, but because vermont only deals with children's writing I decided it was the best choice for me. (there are actually 2 vermont college mfa programs: one for children's writing, and one for fiction/poetry/ and probably others). It was a tough decision.

Anonymous said...

My profile at the Iowa website still says "In progress". Does this mean I still have a chance..or do they all say that still? Does anyone have a profile that says rejected?

Anonymous said...

I was accepted in poetry @ Iowa via phone two days ago and my status hasn't changed either. From what I understand, Iowa calls the candidates who will be receiving the better fellowships/TAships early, then mails more acceptances later. So, from what I gather, there are still quite a few positions open.

Anonymous said...

Western Michigan University, Rejected in Fiction via mail, 2/25

Desislava Parashkevova said...


I was accepted by New England College (MFA) two weeks ago too. Could you write me an email because I have some questions (maybe you would know more) or I guess you could just comment here, as well. My email is ihtiandros at abv dot bg.

Chris said...

Anyone know of any really late application deadlines that super nervous applicants can still round out their options with?

bethany said...


Boston University has a March 1 app deadline; it's super selective, though. and kind of expensive to apply...but the faculty are all amazing.

Anonymous said...

Boston University has a deadline of March 1, and you can always do low-res, which have rolling acceptances.

Anonymous said...

Anyone waiting for the Michener announcements, they will be making their decision by March 10. I couldn't wait any longer and I called to get the scoop.

Anonymous said...

a question about iowa nonfiction: i know email acceptances went out 2-15. any news since then? does this mean you are probably out if you haven't heard from them?

can't wait till this is over and done.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that they only called those who received TA's and fellowships. I think they are sending out the rest of the acceptances (and rejections) via snail mail. Then again, what do I know?

Anonymous said...

For all I know, Wisconsin just hasn't gotten around to rejecting me yet, but the fact that their GradApply page still does not say "refused" causes my trembling little heart to swell with so much hope.

Anonymous said...

No news from Davis yet? Anyone?

carrie murphy said...

anyone else apply to University of New Orleans? they told me to expect a response mid-march.

Anonymous said...

2/26/08 Accepted at UNC Wilmington with teaching assistantship

Danielle Wheeler said...

congrats, UNCW anon- What genre??

Anonymous said...

Thank you iowa poster...waiting to hear from UNCW, Wisconsin and Iowa.

Any idea how many applicants for UNCW? Have all/most been notified?

Also, what is the website we are supposed to check with for Wisconsin. I have read the "letter" but don't see a link.

Thank you and good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Unofficial acceptance at Ohio for playwriting on 2/4/08 via phone. Offical word won't go out till March.

Rejection letter, dated 2/22, received 2/25 from USC for playwriting.

Anonymous said...

This is the website to check for Wisconsin:

JL Kulakowski said...

Pitt, CNF, by mail 2/26 (letter dated 2/22).

I feel faint. I'm going to lie down now.

Anonymous said...


You were accepted?

I applied to Pitt for poetry, but I've heard nothing! This is going to be the death of me!

roderick mcclain said...

how did UNCW contact the person with the TA?

JL Kulakowski said...

Yes, anonymous. Accepted - but for creative non-fiction, not poetry. From what I've seen on these blogs, it seems the different genres don't necessarily go out at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know much about about Purdue? I know some people have heard accpetances and rejections. I've heard nothing. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just checked Wisconsin, says "Refusal"
It also says, Not Received--writing sample, Not Received--Transcripts, Not Received--Letter of Purpose, etc...

Oh, but they did receive the admission fee! Whew! I was worried! : ))) They also received 3 Letters of Rec...

Anyone else have this experience. I know the dean's letter says "Yes, yes, yes we read your sample" but that it says they didn't even receive the SAMPLE is what concerns me.

I get it that there's technical problems, the system is overloaded, etc, but if that's the case what's the admissions fee for?

Sorry for the "rant" and best of luck!

MC said...

To anon,

I'm not sure I know more about Purdue than you do, but I do know that the program is really small, so they probably notified all of their first picks already, but I also imagine that no news is good news in regards to the waitlist. Or maybe in regards to the acceptances as well. I'm not sure.

I'm really excited about the program. I've learned good things about it so far. Good luck to you!


Brittany said...

Wait listed at George Mason, my alma mater, for fiction. Better than a rejection as my first news from any of my schools, but still not fab.

Anonymous said...

Rejected by Michigan via website...

Anonymous said...

Where does it tell on the Michigan website?

Anonymous said... and click New and Prospective Student Business. Login and see your Application Status. Mine says Rejected. Sad... Blah...

Anonymous said...

My U of M account doesn't say anything for app status (under new & prospective student biz). Is it under "view app data"? My last name starts with a C. Do you think they're working their way down the alphabet or something?

Pensive495 said...

I don't see it on mine either. Where does it say this?

Lauren Cummings said...

I dont get some of these places, why have online status applications if they don't update them.
Of course I dont understand why more colleges dont have them. Only one of mine seems to have it.

Anonymous said...

Yep, rejected at Michigan...

Anonymous said...

My online status at Michigan doesn't say anything.

Anonymous said...

UNCW contacts people by phone, email AND snail mail (for the official letter from the school, not the program). They get 300 applications and do not announce decisions all at once. They were still reading applications in April last year.

Anonymous said...

my michigan page doesn't say anything either. what kind of voodoo is this?

where are people looking? i went to is that right?

Anonymous said...

2.15.08 accepted Iowa, nonfiction, email

2.26.08 accepted Pittsburgh, nonfiction, email

Anonymous said...

RE: UNCW Acceptance with TAship. I was accepted by email. After the initial acceptance email, they sent the official TA offer also through email. Sorry, I forgot to say that I was accepted in fiction.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read through this?

DSJ said...

WOW!! Iowa, congrats!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, DSJ!

MC said...

Accepted to Arkansas in poetry with TA/Fellowship!

Anyone else? Anyone with info on the program?


bethany said...

2/27 Accepted at U Ark for Poetry. Full tuition waiver + stipend. So thrilled!

Linda said...

Hey Anon,

I read Dan Barden's rant. Some of the questions he poses worry me a great deal. If workshops don't demand that writers create work for an audience that exists, we're all in big trouble. Does anyone else wonder why there aren't at least a few programs that explicitly focus on work that could attract a wide audience? Is it just the whole need to promote the literary mystique?

I have taken a couple workshops that don't coddle and do have direction. And this guy teaches writing, so maybe the situation is not as bad as he thinks...

Pensive495 said...

I read Dan's rant. I won't be applying to Butler; I think he's a moron. It's good to know that as undergraduate writing isn't good for anything but raves and broken relationships. I've got a finger for him, anyone guess which one?

Anonymous said...

Linda, I'm the anon who posted the link - I was curious of others' opinions, so thank you for responding.

I think there's a lot of criticism out there of MFA programs and MFA students. On one hand there's the whole notion that MFA programs teach for and produce the same work, (the another writer from the canon philosophy) and then there's the notion that MFA Programs can't teach anything anyways, and that Workshop is a farce.

And, to add insult to injury, there's Erika's notion that, (albeit "certain") MFA students are a dime-a-dozen pompous know-nothing-at-alls.

Harsh stuff. And I'm sure MFA students and MFA hopefuls alike are trying to prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Still no refusal from Wisconsin today. Each day my hope gets a bit bolder. Anyone else similarly suffering?

Chris said...

I just read Barden's article, and I found it dead-on and inspiring. I'm curious as to what your problems with it are. Workshops often are way too fluffy, way too accommodating, way too democratic to do anyone any real good. I want to be in a program that kicks my ass and where I feel I have an audience at least as tough as the one that's out there in the real world, as bored and critical as the people out there trying to find what to read next. What good is a workshop otherwise?

Anonymous said...

Accepted in Fiction at Rutgers-Newark via phone on 2/20/08.

Anonymous said...

Chris, I liked the article too. There are a lot of popular articles out now by writing teachers that bemoan the teaching of writing (which I think for most of us is like when celebrities bemoan the culture that made them rich, famous and more beautiful), but I thought there were some very good points in the article, first and foremost that writers need to remember that no one needs to read their work. I've taught workshops and been an editor for years now and it is just simply the truth that we writers love the sound of our own voices. We become transfixed by their own perfect sentences. We are narcissists--though insecure narcissists. The idea that your writing must strive to work outside of this narcissism is essential.

Anonymous said...

My issue with the article is not so much what is said about workshop, but what is implied about MFA programs and MFA students. I didn't realize by getting this degree, another generation was classifying me as someone who's looking for a cushy pad-the-ego workshop session and needs to be reminded that no one actually has to read his work. Oh and that I don't know sh*t about history or literature or, muchless historical literature.

Linda said...

It's true that undergrads (especially lazy, partying undergrads) are kind of an easy target, but I still think Barden is on to something bigger.

What do we really want out of MFA programs? Lots of different things, of course, but there is some overlap for most of us. Time to write is wonderful, and nurturing environments are lovely, but at the end of the day, most of us want to write something that many other human beings will actually pay money to read.

MFA programs should should at least acknowledge this issue. Of course some programs will always place greater focus on writing as an artistic endeavor. That's fine if you're Brown. Hell, I think it's fine for any school that doesn't routinely graduate writers with tens of thousands of dollars in debt. But for schools that are profiting from $40K/year tuition payments, it doesn't seem unreasonable to ask how they expect graduates to pay off their loans. And frankly, I don't really think any program can completely shirk the question of whether it teaches students to produce something of value. Artistic value and commercial value aren't always mutually exclusive: I'm betting Margaret Atwood can pay her bills and Junot Diaz, too.

Lucy Bryan Malenke said...

I loved the article. It reminded me of my favorite creative writing teacher from undergrad. He was the kind who would figuratively "kick you in the face." I think I really transformed as a writer as I strove to create something he'd actually like. I know it sounds distasteful to write in order to please someone else (we're all writing because words just emanate from our souls, right?)... but let's face it, if we ever want to make a career out of writing, we have to write to please others. Hopefully we can please ourselves in the process.

Anonymous said...

I only skimmed the article. I couldn't take much more of his showcasing his own writing in lieu of making a deliberate point in a deliberate fashion. But I can see why it gives a poor impression of writing students; it assumes that his points aren't already abundantly clear to workshop students at the time they enroll.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone receive a rejection from UMass in the mail yet?

margosita said...

Re: Barden's article.
On one hand, I agree with what he's saying. Good writing does involve effort and a certain amount of terror and failure. But I'm lost as to why that's relevant to the workshop environment. Does Barden really believe that aspiring writers and MFA candidates don't have enough terror or failure outside of the workshop environment? A workshop is probably the only place many writers can get praise alongside criticism. There is plenty of terror and failure in the efforts to become published or make enough money to get by. So what if there is praise or a trapped audience in a workshop? There's value in that, too, and doesn't mean there is no terror or failure either in the writing or writer's experiences.

Also, congrats Bethany! I was starting to think that only anonymous posters got good luck! :)

Lauren Cummings said...

Havent gotten a rejection letter, course I live in CA so it might take awhile, at the same time my status online still just says applied. Havent heard anything about people being waitlisted either.

Anonymous said...

I also enjoyed Barden's article. My first nonfiction book is coming out this summer, and I have not heard anything from any of the nonfiction programs that I applied to, so his ideas resonate quite strongly with me right now. Of course, if I get in somewhere, I may change my tune. Such is human nature... :)

Anonymous said...

I do agree that MFAs are good for providing you the space and money to write, and the workshop environment does provide much needed appreciation (and some criticism), but I do think that the MFAs create a trend-sort of writing in the publishing world. Everyone seems to be writing only the Raymond Carver sort of story (you have to have drama, you have to have ambiguity etc. etc.). I don't mean that I dislike Carver, I like him a lot, but seeing the MFA trend, all literary journals look for are the very polished, MFA sort of work. And if a writer doesn't have that, they're rejected. Which doesn't mean that polish and Carver are bad things to aspire to, but they aren't the only.

Don't you guys think MFA tells you how to get published, not how to write originally?

Aren't you guys afraid that the workshop will mar the originality of your work?

Don't get me wrong, but these are things i've been thinking about and it would be great to see what you all think. A friend of mine in a reputed MFA prog. is complaining about these very things, that the workshop has destroyed her edge and originality.


Anonymous said...

I think peer support and feedback has dramatically improved my writing. Ironically, the only things I ever get published are ones that I didn't share for group input. Then again, they are also the less challenging pieces that I don't need help with, so that probably accounts for a lot.

Pensive495 said...

My issue with Bardon's article is not what he's saying about the MFA and workshops, but HOW he says it. He's generalized undergrads as good for nothing more than party stories and sagas of broken relationships. He doesn't say 'some', he says ALL. God forbid he should actually gain something from teaching students, he laughs at the very idea.

I agree with many of his points, about the lost art of drafting... redrafting. I have a lot to learn. BUT, he comes off as an compassionateness prick, and I stopped caring about what he had to say. I don't know about you all, but I'll take with open arms criticism for my work if its deserved and helps me to grow as a writer. That said, the minute a teacher feels it's necessary to slap me in the face with my own shortcomings, is the moment I stop listening. That's not teaching, that's bullying.

He is a very talented writer, and it was a well written piece. He made his point very clear: you must keep your reader in mind. Well, my question is, did that article seem to be written for us, or for him?

Caitlin said...

Thank you so much for this site. Applied in poetry to...

Iowa, Texas, Houston, Oregon, Maryland, Irvine, Western Mich, Sarah Lawrence, Michigan, Washington @ St. Louis, Indiana, UIUC, WVU, FIU, and Montana.

So far, I've only heard from two: rejected from Washington and accepted to WVU. Good luck, everybody =O)

Pensive495 said...

Congrats on WVU!

Andrew Miller said...

Got an e-mail from Minnesota State, Mankato to line up an interview for a teaching assistantship tomorrow. Haven't received any outright acceptance, but I'm taking this as a good sign.

Anonymous said...

I was accepted today (Feb 27) at Brooklyn college, for fiction. They called me on the phone.

Anonymous said...


You're the only other person I've heard about who has been accepted to WVU. Are you thinking about going there? I'm very excited about Mary Ann Samyn, and the teaching assistantship, but I'm still waiting to hear from 7 other schools.
Ah, the joy of MFA programs...

Anonymous said...

Wait listed at McNeese today by email for Fiction.

:) Crossing my fingers for a spot to open up!

Anonymous said...

Denied at McNeesy for fiction by e-mail...

gregory said...

wait listed at mcneese for fiction (email).
is it ok to ask where on the waiting list you are, or should i just shut my mouth and wait?

Anonymous said...


I think it is a reasonable question to ask, just ask it politely and not demandingly.

Anonymous said...

in at southern illinois, carbondale for fiction via mail.

embot said...

I was accepted 2/28 to Northwestern's MFA for the screen and stage according to my application status online, but I haven't heard from them yet.

Godfrey said...

Hi everyone, just a heads up, I received this via email:
"I got an acceptance phone call from Fred Lebron of Queens University of Charlotte for fiction on Feb. 24, 2008"
so if any of you are holding out for queens, they're apparently still notifying. Same goes with new school. Good luck everybody.

Amanda said...

To the people notified by McNeese, around what date did you send in your application? I haven't heard a peep (not even acknowledgment they received it) and I sent my application in around the third week of January. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


I am the first Anonymous that is waitlisted at McNeese. I sent my application in on 12/28/07 with a postcard inside. I got my postcard back with a message saying my application was received postmarked 1/10/08. You can always call and make sure your application is received. Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

The New School is still notifying for Fiction?

gregory said...

i was also wait listed at mcneese. i emailed my portfolio quite early, like beginning of december, and i didn't hear one noise until the wait list email yesterday.

Jess said...

Anonymous Brooklyn Acceptee:
1. Congrats!
2. I live in Brooklyn on the same subway line as the College. If you have any questions about the area, campus, etc. I'd be happy to break it down for you.
3. Who called you? What did they say?

Thanks, and Good Luck with your decision!

Anonymous said...

Received a rejection from Syracuse in the mail today. (Poetry)

Anonymous said...

anonymous, according to an email I received, somebody was accepted to new school yesterday morning for fiction.

Anonymous said...

oops, sorry anonymous, I just checked again. New school was NONFICTION acceptance yesterday morning.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone applied to San Diego state for Fiction? I called them this morning and they said there were about 70 applicants (?!). They're meeting this week and sending out letters by mid-March. Not sure how many people they're letting in.

I don't know much about that program; kind of applied there on a whim and thought I should have a "safety" school to balance out my list of dream (hard-to-get-into) schools. Anyone have any insight into their program? 3 years is kind of appealing.

Anonymous said...

I just found out I got into the University of Pittsburgh, fiction, by mail. My heart is beating so hard! I'm so happy. Still waiting to hear from my three other schools. No rejections yet!

Pensive495 said...

Pittsburgh!! Congrats! I applied to Pitt for Fiction. What was the date on the you live far from Pitt? Share?! *Chews on nails*

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of schools that no one's posted about at all. Isn't it unusually late for that? It's almost March!

is it happy hour yet? who's buying the first round?

margosita said...

I don't think it's unusual, shots. End of March would, but not the end of February.

I'll buy the first round, so long as I know there's a second and third coming!

Anonymous said...

Pensive, the letter from Pitt was postmarked 2/27 and yes, I live in Pittsburgh. Has anyone else heard from Pitt for fiction?

Anonymous said...

Just got home....rejected by Pitt for Poetry via snail mail.

Shoot me in the face.

Caitlin said...


I've heard that WVU has a really good and growing program, but I've lived/gone to school in West Virginia all my life - kind of would like to go somewhere else for awhile. Buuuut if I don't get any other acceptances, I definitely won't cry if I have to go there. Good luck with your waiting! I hope you get some good letters/calls soon =O)

Isaiah Vianese said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I was rejected from Northwestern for poetry via their website today.

Good luck everyone!

Pensive495 said...

Is anyone else having trouble accessing the P&W website?

Anonymous said...

I called New School and asked when they thought they'd be sending out their rejections. The woman was surprised by my question, and said all notifications would be out by the end of March. So there's definitely another month!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Columbia for Fiction?

Lauren Cummings said...

I think Umass finally updated their online status.

Anonymous said...

My UMass status is still "applied," as always, and perhaps this is why:

Depending on the size of the applicant pool, it typically takes six to ten weeks from the application closing date for the faculty to make their admissions recommendations known to the Graduate School. In turn the Graduate Admissions Office usually mails formal letters of admission and denial within two days of the receipt of any recommendation. Notification of denial of admission will not appear on this web site for 21 days, thus allowing these decisions to first reach the applicant by mail.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get a phone call from UNC Greensboro about their application being reviewed by the committee? I got one last week around the 21st. Wasn't sure what that was all about, but they did tell me they would be making their decisions sometime this week. Still haven't heard though.

Anonymous said...

I just got into FLorida for fiction via email!! I love everybody there. JUST SO EXCITED.

Anonymous said...

RE: U mass, I'm an acceptee in fiction and my status changed to "accepted" if that helps

Ryan said...


Which Florida school?

Guided Voices said...

I was also just accepted at U of F Gainesville for Fiction and would like to get in touch. I am losing my sh*t in my cubicle.

Anonymous said...

university of florida (gainesville)

Anonymous said...

Yes! also losing shit! Guided voices what's your email address?

Pensive495 said...

I wanna lose shit in my cubicle...:P Congratulations!!!That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

here's a piece of umass news: there's no waitlist, according the the woman in the english department i just spoke to. so if, like me, you haven't gotten the call, you're not in.

also: i have to echo the sentiments of whoever said before that these schools should try to be more uniform in their application demands. the umass grad admissions person i just spoke to told me that they never received a transcript, then was very snippy when i told her i was never notified- she said it's MY responsibility to follow up on everything. all right, fair enough, but on the other hand we've got wisconsin emailing out mass death threats to anyone who so much as thinks of calling the school to follow up; trust us, they say, we'll tell you, as if this should be obvious. if by some chance anyone involved in the admissions process is reading this: we work really, really hard on these applications. we study for the gre, we edit and edit and edit, we hound our forgetful recommenders day and night, we scramble around at the post office, we hundreds of dollars on your application fees, knowing full well that it might be a gigantic waste of our money, and then in february and march, we live in constant anxiety and fear of rejection. the least you could do is show some basic understanding of how time-consuming this process is for us.

i'm sorry if this comes off as whiny or something. it just seemed too easy for someone in an admissions office to write me off as lazy or unorganized for not doing the extra work of following up on every last detail when i spent so much of my time and, let's not forget, money on this whole ordeal.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the umass news, and agreed on the rant. is it so wrong to expect a postcard or letter or link to a website to verify that all your application materials are in? most grad school programs do this, some mfa programs do this, they should probably ALL do it if they are so annoyed by the calls they receive.

i'm quite sure the application fee goes to the english department's "wine fund" for these schools. which would be fine and good, if only i could get into one of them... ;)

Lauren Cummings said...

For umass I was refering to that I heard that at umass they change your status to pending right before you get that dreaded NO letter. Mine changed today to pending, which I was glad for because I was tired of waiting and wondering. Slow bandaid rip. However its strange no one has mentioned being waitlisted.

Anonymous said...

the wisconsin system makes so much more sense. then they're not burdened with a million phone calls a day, and we don't have to wait around on those elevator music automated lines. (has anyone had the distinct pleasure of calling the brooklyn admissions office? it's pretty much purgatory, and i have yet to actually speak to anyone.)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if everyone who got in already at UMass accepted the offer? Anyone who's been accepted willing to say? That would be the only reason I can think of not to have a waitlist.

That, or maybe they're just waiting to hear "yes" or "no" from the accepted folks and then just accepting more people late in the game. Which is fine, though maddening.

Heather said...

anonymous, I'm confused: If UMass doesn't have a waitlist, why would that automatically mean that everyone else is rejected? I would think that they just don't notify their waitlistees, and when one of their acceptees turns them down, they just accept someone else. Though maybe they just accept more applicants than they actually have room for, figuring a few will go to Iowa or somewhere instead? Or maybe the final class size just doesn't matter to them?

NOT that I'm expecting the UMass waitlist fairy to swoop into my mailbox and grant my MFA wishes. I'm just saying ... I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

i actually had no idea what she meant when she said "there's no waitlist." from her tone, i could tell she was telling me i'm not getting in no matter what, so i didn't pursue the question any further.

i hope i don't spark any false rumors... i'm just quoting what she said, which leaves room for any of the theories mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

Hey people thinking about U Mass: the thing about no waitlist is, I think it means you're not necessarily out of the running yet. I was accepted for fiction and they gave me until April 1 to decide...I'll decide long before then (soon in fact, I'm pretty sure I'm turning it down for Florida, Chris & Noy's alma mater) at which point they'll have to call someone who is "pending." This is how it seems to me, anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of hoping for a U Florida waitlist fairy myself. I imagine her to be plain, plump, and capricious. Surely she is not as pretty or delicate as all the acceptance fairies, but she is welcomed in my mailbox/inbox nonetheless.

(MFA waiting period...strain on mental health? Perhaps.)

thedisplacedperson said...

Waitlisted for U Florida by email.

Anonymous said...

UMass did send out a letter with a link to check status and materials. Mine still says "applied," though. Not sure what to think since there's been talk of no wait list. I'm not going to UMass since I got a sweet deal at IWW, but I do want some closure.

Anonymous said...

mfa waiting period... strain on mental health? most assuredly.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy...first U FL waitlist notification...

Where you at, fairy?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else still waiting to hear from Wisconsin? My GradApply has not changed all week. I'm starting to think I'm a finalist, as per the letter on their website, but I don't want to be too trigger happy.

Anonymous said...

Re: Wisconsin GradApply

My status hasn't changed either. According to some folks on the P & W Speakeasy, letters of rejection have already been received via snail mail.

I'm in the same camp you are--trying not to get too excited. I really, really, really don't want to get voted off the island yet.

malcontent said...

I'm in at University of Florida for fiction. I'm still in shock.

Anonymous said...

Admitted to Vanderbilt for poetry via email, today 2/29. :)

Anonymous said...

FYI to those applying at the University of Oregon in poetry: Dorianne Laux is leaving at the end of this year for a position at a different university. She won't be at Oregon starting next fall.

MC said...


Do you know where she is going?


Pensive495 said...

University of for Fiction. :)2/29 snail mail

MC said...

Well done, Pensive! You can finally relax, or at least join the ranks of those of us who thought we could relax after hearing word and who have actually grown more anxious.


Anonymous said...

Pensive, did you get some assistantship too?

Anonymous said...

Accepted by New School in poetry on Wednesday. Got a call from David Lehman. At first I was completely confused by the whole thing--"David who?...OHHH!" Ha. What a trip.

Ben B said...

I was also waitlisted at GMU. My letter said that I was high on the list and implied that they are looking for a spot for me. Did yours read similarly?

Anonymous said...

Pensive, congrats on pitt! (I'm the one who posted about getting in for fiction yesterday.) Are you thinking of going there? Can I get your email to discuss? I think you're the first other person I've heard about getting in for fiction.

Anonymous said...

2/29/08 accepted California College of the Arts via phone

(sorry if this turns out to be a double post...i tried to post once already and it didn't show up)

Shea said...

Today I received a rejection by mail from GMU (date of letter was 2/22). So far I've been rejected from GMU and Alabama and waitlisted at OSU and McNeese--all for fiction.

JL Kulakowski said...

To all accepted to Pitt in any genre: would you be interested in setting up a blog and sharing questions, experiences, hopes, dreams, musings?

I'd be willing to get it started, and if you'll e-mail me, I'll add you to it.

Anonymous said...

just got a snail mail rejection letter from UMASS, finally (it was dated 2/25). Kind of bummed but it's nice to have closure.

spillingink said...

Congrats to all the Florida people! Once again, I have heard nothing. I am really confused. I have read about people getting responses from schools I applied to: Iowa, Emerson, Amherst, Brown, and now Florida. I am starting to wonder if I just thought I had applied, but really it was all a crazy dream or something. Even a rejection at this point would be helpful. Argh!

Anonymous said...

In at Wisconsin for fiction via email!
Good luck everyone. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

congrats Wisc anon!! : )
Have you been accepted anywhere else?

Anonymous said...

"congrats Wisc anon!! : )
Have you been accepted anywhere else?"

Yes, Michigan as well. I feel like I won the lottery twice!

Anonymous said...

the lottery's odds aren't even that good.
It means You are a good writer. Take it in! Enjoy!

Pensive495 said...

Sorry, I posted and then ran to work. I would love to start a blog of some sort and exchange emails with others accepted to Pitt! I'm not sure what will happen with my remaining schools in the next month; I'm still waiting on a few, and my letter said nothing about financial aid of any kind. I'll post my email address here, and on Sugah's blog since you expressed interest in setting something up. email:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sugah, Just looked at your profile to get your email address for the blog, and saw that Bird by Bird is one of your favorite books. Did you know that Anne Lamott will be speaking in Pittsburgh tonight at Soldiers and Sailors?

JL Kulakowski said...

I did not know that (about Anne Lamott), but the way life is these days, and although I'd like to think it's not true, a spontaneous trip to Pittsburgh takes too much planning, therefore, nullifies the spontaneity of it. I must be getting old.

Wish I'd known sooner... (and thanks for the info -- makes me even more pumped that I'll soon be in the midst of a real arts community)

Julia Clare Tillinghast Akalin said...

I was accepted to Virginia Tech for Poetry, VIA email, on February 29th. I'm so happy.

No one has heard from BU, yet, right? Anyone waiting?

Anonymous said...

julia clare tillinghast akalin-

I'm about to graduate from Virginia Tech. It is probably one of the best unknown MFA programs at this point. Great funding, great teaching (Hicok, Falco, Vollmer, etc.), great location. If I wasn't from the area, it would be high on my list.


Anonymous said...

Official rejection from Syracuse in the mail 2-28 (poetry). I knew it was coming, but it still sucked. Here's hoping the weekend brings good news to everyone still waiting, or at least a dip in all our stress levels!

JL Kulakowski said...

Pitt blog up and running:

Julia Clare Tillinghast Akalin said...

Thanks for the encouragement and comments, anonymous...

I still haven't made my final decision but it seems like the consensus is with you. I understand what you mean -- I grew up in Ann Arbor so I didn't even think about applying to Michigan.

Anonymous said...

UMich; Rejection; Fiction; via mail; 3/1/08

Anonymous said...

Rejected at Texas State via mail today, I'm very unpleasantly surprised. I'm still waiting to hear from 9 schools, but starting to think I may not get accepted anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Boy do I know that feeling!

Anonymous said...

Waitlisted at Indiana for Fiction.
Phone call this morning.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous re: Texas State rejection

Strange that Texas State is sending rejections before acceptances... unless there are acceptances I haven't heard about. I thought acceptances usually came before rejections.

I know how you feel in terms of thinking you may not get accepted anywhere. I feel the same way! I've only gotten one official rejection so far (out of 12 schools), but half the schools I applied to have already sent out acceptances, so I'm not feeling too optimistic.

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

University of Georgia--3/1, rejected, PhD fiction, snail mail, letter postmarked 2/27

Anonymous said...

I still have not gotten a rejection from Wisconsin via their GradApply website. However, I have not heard anything--no admission email, no waitlist email either. I'm starting to feel a little crazy, since rejections should be online now, and apparently admissions and waitlist emails have already gone out according to this and Seth's blogs. Is anyone else still waiting to hear from them?

Anonymous said...

Waitlist at Michigan via snail mail! Today! Rejection from Wisconsin via snail mail (nothing on the website! I was almost sure I made it! Sucks.. But, from the other hand - I was sure I’ll get rejection from Michigan... Very strange...) I am low on the Michigan waitlist. So, I don’t think I’ll make it.. But its nice at least some encouragement , they didn’t hate my writing.. I was denied by McNeesy though...

A.Anonymous said...

Wait-listed at Wisconsin today via email. Rejected from Michigan yesterday via snail mail.

Pensive495 said...

I still haven't heard anything from Michigan. Congrats on the waitlist!! What was the date at the top of the letter if you don't mind me asking...?

MC said...

Just got a call from Robert Wrigley: in at Idaho in poetry with a TA!


Anonymous said...

To anonymous concerning my Texas State Rejection...Thank You, I also applied to 12 schools, so far I've been rejected by two (wash U and Tx State) and waitlisted at 1 (McNeese). Like I said, I'm waiting on 9 more, but this whole process can be really disheartening. Thank you for your comments, You hang in there too.

Anonymous said...

Michigan waitlist snail mail notification was dated 2/27.

Anonymous said...

rejected at michigan snail mail today. so, not only am i not going to get in anywhere, but i'm not even going to get waitlisted. and then they expect me to go put myself on the line all over again next year? no thanks.

Katie J. said...

I was wait-listed at Wisconsin today by email. Also accepted at Michigan last week. And this is coming after last year, when I was flat-out rejected by 8 schools. So is it worth it, Anonymous, to "go put yourself out on the line all over again next year"?

Most definitely.

Anonymous said...

Also waitlisted at WI via email. Only 6 spots, so I don't know how likely an acceptance will come through.

spillingink said...

julia clare tillinghast akalin,
Did you go to Sarah Lawrence? I think I know you...

(Sorry this is so off-topic, guys)

Anonymous said...

accepted at uc davis for fiction via phone call today, march 2

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